The accuracy of more guns has been ruined by EXCESSIVE cleaning rather than not cleaning enough. Especially a rifle with a breech than can not be opened easily. It is very easy to damage a crown on a barrel. Of course the aluminum or carbon fiber of your rod is softer than gun steel, but repeated abrasions and compression can lead to a damaged crown.
When my dad was in boot camp in 1962 they were issued brand spanking new M-14 rifles. By the time he finished boot camp in Fort Ord he said you could not even see the rifling anymore. It was from cleaning. Of course that is an extreme example.
You would have to work hard to shoot out a barrel on a 30-30, dont worry about the pits. Shoot the crap out of it, oil it once in a while to prevent rust, store it in a dry place and enjoy the thing.
If you are using an ammonia based cleaner and are not getting any blue patches anymore, stop cleaning. You cant get cleaner than that.