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  • #27
I know man!! When we went to buy Mom's new car, there was an awesome black Mustang, '01, convertible, V6, so insurance be wouldn't high. While they looked at the her car, the salesman was cool enough to had over the keys!! I started it up, messed with the radio, windows, etc, and even put the top down. It was one awesome ride!!
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  • #36
My first car was a '64 T bird Ranger... She was a sweet ride and would blow GTOs away..
And the back seat was make out heaven ;)

I don't know about that. My Dad's favorite car is a '64 GTO I believe and he tells some stories about that car!!

Apparently, he even lost his license with it for speeding so much!!
I blew more than a couple away... But that could have been the drivers I was up against too as I learned later from racing. Can't win if you don't put the power to the ground ;)
congrats kid
now, you should be driving a boom or roll off soon,
i used to ride a bike to work and then drive a truck out of the yard

i was at your age, in fact i got a driving out of class ticket twice before i was 18..towed a roll off from me at 16 or 17..that sucked...but it made me get a commercial lic. by the 18th b day

good luck drive the limits posted and be respectful of others,
My cousin veered off the road at 17 years old in his ???

Crap i cant remember , anyhow he hit a culvert and then we flew through the wind sheild.
he was laying dead 120 feet from the car.
Sorry to be so negative/ chit happens
just buckle up /// Cool ?????
I remember when I got my permit, it felt real be legal ;)

I've since graduated to mostly riding a bicycle.

Have fun, be safe!!
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  • #48
Yeah, he's always telling stories about taking out other cars, Mustangs, Camareo, and especially GTO's!!

As for my first car, I'm hoping for a Mustang, but with a V6, for insurance purposes mostly.