I'm finding it very hard to establish definitive cause and effect with my diet. I've gotten a bit better understanding of what happens if you have a gluten issue. I'm realizing the true issue with having a gluten problem is not the symptoms you feel, such as migraines or stomach problems. Yes, they can suck, and I've heard of extreme cases of anaphylaxis, but the silent issue is the damage to the small intestine and subsequent malabsorption of nutrients. This has been a bit of an eye opener for me. As a kid, I was a very picky eater. Haven't improved much, if I'm honest. I had a few things that I should eat, and I agree a lot of them. Toast with a lot of butter, was one of those things. I was always hungry, so I just ate more. Not long ago I made the connection to being hungry because I wasn't getting a balanced diet. Basically, I was malnourished. Yes, more than enough calories but not enough nutrients, and the excess calories stored as fat. Now I'm wondering if there may have been more going on than that. No plans to get scoped at this time. I'm just working to eliminate all glutenand see what happens.