Gibbs Disposal Time


Administrator Emeritus
Mar 6, 2005
They say two years, but I've had mine for at least six. Has anyone ever heard of an ascender failing, specifically a Gibbs?

When do you trash your ascender?
I believe this was the subject of a discussion between Gerry and Bounce just last Sunday.

I don't recall the results, though.
I do recall Sean saying that the wear parts on the Gibbs can be had, and you don't need to chuck it and buy a new one.
Mine is about 12 years old. Never changed a single part on it and I trust it 100%. Instructions for Klein gaffs tell you to replace the leg irons after the 2nd replacement set. Mine must have gone through at least 8 and I trust it 100% as well.
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So what's up with the two year advice? It says that in the "instructions."
Pretty interesting question. I'd just keep an eye on the pins or anyplace where steel meets aluminum. Never heard of retiring one that wasn't damaged.
Just inspect regularly. I also believe it is CYA liability issues generated by lawyer input that results in such "instructions".
Things can be designed to keep stress below the fatigue limit. It makes for an infinite life time.

I was just trying to figure out why to replace a gibbs.
Seeing as I have one thats over 10 years old, I guess I am o.k. :wall:

Now that I think about it, everything I have learned about metal fatigue says when metal bends repeatedly, thats when (over time), it can fail. No important part of the gibbs bends.
The "youngest" Gibbs I have is over 7 years old. I still have one that I bought in '87 and use it as a grab on Z-rigs and the like. I've replaced the springs on them and that's all that's been needed over time so far.