I had a training class a few years ago for troubleshooting cable faults to repair dsl service. The training center had an indoor pole yard to train new hires in a dry environment. The floor had padding at the base of the poles too. Much nicer than Shepperd Air Force Base when I learned to climb, but I digress... one of my co-workers, Vlad, is from Belarus. One day he brought in a set of Russian gaffs. Weird things! They had a foot pad that strapped across the top of your foot with a small pointed stud near your big toe. There was a long, maybe foot-foot and a half long half inch round solid steel piece that wrapped around to the back side of the pole where another pointed stud dug into the backside of the pole. They were heavy and very odd to use. Neat idea, and not TOO much different than the adjustable concrete pole hooks... I'll see if I can dig up a picture.
I've got pictures in here somewhere palm trimming with the Summit tree stand. We'll do around a hundred or so a year with it and it's pretty fool proof, light and a great work platform. Of course I know your springy thingies have great advantages over it, I'm just waiting for you to politely tell me what they are
Vlad didn't have a picture of his vintage climbers and I couldn't find any online. He sent me a picture of a newer set and said you can only find them if you search in Russian!
Do you have any idea how badly you'd hurt your most precious spheres if that cable snapped?
It's very similar to leaning back in your stirrups to stop a horse, raise a leg, kick outward while leaning back, then pivot up on a straight leg, repeat with the other leg.
these may have been mentioned already somewhere before. but they seem light and easy to use. from what ive read they have revolutionized coconut harvesting in india.
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