those are real pretty, i like it.
Anyone use a sleeve style FS for lowering limbs? Most small trim jobs i do i don't seem to find the time to set a block for the work line, but the conduit sleeve seems easy enough to set and retrieve that it would be worth the wear and tear savings.
Can't say about the conduit ones. The leather ones are bombproof. They make one designed for rigging (3/4" I.D.). The metal ones seem like they would be more likely to become damaged by rigging, especially if the crotch isn't dead smooth, but IDK from experience.
Of course with the Wraptor, setting blocks has never been easier!
If I have time later I'll draw a sketch on how to install and retreive a block high up in a tree with rigging rope installed in it.......from the ground.What would be the advantage of rigging through one of the sleeve-type savers? I mean if you're having to worry about kinking the saver, why not just use a block?
Is that a floating false crotch or static? Is you'r 5/8" rope running over a crotch down to the block with a rigging line in it?
i am intrigued. i was wondering about rigging through the conduit as well. some times i want to avoid climbing up to set a block and climbing back up to retrieve and or avoiding the force multiplying effects of hauling the block up on a line and tying it off at the base of the tree. i see how crushed conduit could quickly become rope un-friendly. maybe appropriate for light rigging only, or just use a steel ring-ring dedicated to rigging. maybe ill have to do some tests on 3/4 conduit to find out how much force it takes to deform it.