Flashback Trojan Hits 550,000 Macs


Sep 23, 2010
For Mac users:

Apparently there's a flaw in Java that allows the virus into Mac computers. The article below says it's relatively easy to diagnose and fix.

Flashback Trojan Hits 550,000 Macs {PCmag link}

Diagnosis & Disinfection {F-Secure link}

Wednesday (April 4, 2012), Apple released a Java security update to combat the virus. Update Java through 'System Preferences>Software Update'.

It seems, my MacBook Air wasn't infected ... so, I can't verify the fixes. But, Apple's Java security update installed fine.

Thanks for the heads up, Jack. i think my software updates are current, so i should be ok too. I guess the days of Mac being relatively immune to such demons are over. The scum that creates these malware things, i can't fathom it.
I ponder why they don't stop such scum...don't tell me it can't be done. Track 'em down and teach them the real meaning of "hacking"! :X
I was told that Macs were not generally targeted because they have always been less than 10% of the computers purchased, usually because of price. Now that more are sold worldwide hackers are developing new virtues and finding new routes into the Apple line up.
Once you go Mac, you never go back. Mp previous Mac lasted ten years before sending a plume of black smoke to the ceiling......cough..
Jay, was that the original Intel-based iMac by any chance? - they burned up their power supplies on a regular basis.
Yes, I believe it was. It really lasted however. I gave up the ghost on it a number of times, then it would come back to life.