first chestnut removal, sticky stuff!

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Widow Shooter

Anybody else done any? man, they are sticky

It was like doing a friggin white pine.:(

This one had blight and had to come down, about 35-40', in a yard space the size of my bedroom;)

went well, the amount of water that came out of the stump-cut was crazy, like a faucet.
They mostly use Chestnut for railroad ties here, or did, cement now preferred. Chestnut holds up well as ties.
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  • #7
the buds are real sticky...I kept checking the wood as i was bucking it up, did a google, the buds are sticky to keep insects off them, sneaky buggars ;)
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  • #11
same here Jay, well except for the monkey supposed to be a La Nina winter this year, the fruit and nut crops are massive.
Ma Nature's way of preparing for her own :)
Jay and Cary, are we talking chestnut as in Castanea or american chestnut as in Aesculus? ;)
I didn't think there was more than a very few chesnuts trees left standing or at least not the American chestnut type .
I don't know how many chestnuts there are left, but there are three of them within two hundred yards of my house. I took down a chestnut (Castanea) a few weeks ago. It was the first I'd seen in years other than ours. Was only supposed to get it down, but then decided to help the elderly customer drag the brush a ways so a dozer he had coming could push it off. As I was moving a limb around, it flopped over, allowing one particularly long and springy limb to smack me right on the cheekbone, burr first. Kinda like someone swinging a porcupine on a string and smacking you....instant bloodflow. Needless to say, 'twas sore for about a week, and my wife was picking stickers out of my cheek for several days. :lol:
Jay and Cary, are we talking chestnut as in Castanea or american chestnut as in Aesculus? ;)

Ours wouldn't be the American Chestnut. Possibly a species from China?

Sorry Dennis, hate to dispel your theory, but I have yet to find the monkeys attractive in ANY way. :lol: