Ummmmmmmmmmmm no thanx, ye ain't built rite!
Wow, guess i don't read all sections of forum;
tough break, bro, really sorry to hear that.
Is that what new avatar is about?
As far as other drones...
This is from Parrot drones, Jumping Sumo down to $30 this season,used to be like $150.
Android controlled, not too far wifi tho.
i don't have the lights, so battery may last longer to 20 minutes.
This thing has a camera(not HD but usable) on it can see on fone,
is fast,
JUMPS 2feet up or forward!! >> always lands rite!
For $30 great way to chase and harass dogs, cats and our Cockatoo during his daily reign of roaming free terror against other pets, wood work etc.
Has audio, but not played with that.
They have a sleeker Spider model too, just thin spindle between wheels, camera, no jumping tho
>>looks like something you'd see rolling inside of duct work on a James Bond movie!