Drive Safe


Feb 26, 2012
Eastern PA
So my wife and daughter were in one of my trucks waiting to turn into the driveway when a work van plowed into the back of them. He must not have had his eyes open because he didn't even hit the brakes. had enough momentum to hit a second truck after that and knock it's wheel off. The wife and kid are a little beat up, neck braces and arm sling, but it could have been worse. I'm glad they were in a truck. 2 days later I was turning into my driveway and heard the guy behind me lock up his brakes. it was a near miss. Anyway, point being, stay alert out there. there is no need to rush. especially those of us in big trucks. we could really demolish a car if we hit one.
Glad your family is alright!

TCIA reports that TRAFFIC Accidents are the leading cause of death of TreeWorkers. Ahead of Struck-By, Falls, and Electrocution.
Glad your folks are OK. I try to leave a buffer in front of me when stopped for an escape area when I hear brakes locking up behind me. The situation you just described...a buffer doesn't do much good. Sounds like that driver that hit your people was texting or talking.
Glad it wasn't more serious. Lots of people driving out there preoccupied with other than what they are doing. I almost was nailed in my truck in a parking lot tonight, I couldn't believe what was happening while it was happening. He apologized after I gave him some heat. He appeared to be looking right at me the whole time. I braced for the impact. Crazy!
Glad the wife and kid are OK. I worry about my Mrs. when she is off on road trips, one of those very real dangers that seems to be ignored.
People drive too friggen fast, that is for sure. After work I like to cruise home, it feels good with the windows down in the cooler early evening air. No hurry, enough concentration for the day, I'll get there when I get there. Anything at the speed limit up to ten miles over, invariably somebody has to get right on my ass. I'm sick of it. From a distance away I see them getting closer in the mirror, you would think they could pull up at a more relaxed distance, but no, they just have to push it. Most discourteous, I find it extremely irritating.
I recently found out that it costs nearly 200 bucks and you've GOTTA go through driving classes just to get your license. No wonder so many groundies don't have their licenses!
Wow... sounds like a close call.
Happy they are faring well Page. Happy it was not worse.
People are driving more and more angry or with too much distraction these days. See it more and more ....
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Thanks for the kind words everyone. The family is bouncing back quickly. Now to get another vehicle. I doubt I'm gonna get much money for the truck. It was sure worth a lot to me, but not to an insurance company.
I recently found out that it costs nearly 200 bucks and you've GOTTA go through driving classes just to get your license. No wonder so many groundies don't have their licenses!

Where does it cost $200? It was like $20 for mine I think. The driving class is a 4 hour safety thing you just sit through to say you were there.

Glad to hear your family is ok man!
I think I paid $50. I fear what my kids may have to pay for Drivers Ed.

Here it is today.

I am glad yours are doing ok. Here in Vacationland, people pay attention to nothing. I drive a Very Orange truck, and idiots pull out in front of me all the time.
I think it is like two or three grand to get your license here in Nippon, pretty much have to go to driving school for some weeks. They make it too difficult to pass the test without the "proper education". :roll: Fortunately I could exchange my Cali license for one here, just take a test. Of course I got the mandatory initial failure for driving through a just turned yellow light. The test guy slammed on the brakes on his side, give me some abrupt G forces at the screeching stop and changed the shape of my skull. I'm sure that they have it rigged at the test grounds somehow, another try after getting failed and they get a new fee. One is helpless against the scam. My observation is that going to proper driving school and paying a lot of money, makes for no more common sense amongst the people behind the wheel. Once they become independent drivers, the idiot qualities rise to the forefront of motivational forces.
No doubt very expensive. I know a guy that had a big rig. Tight schedules, always a big rush. Lots of drive ins. It used to be destruction derby out there, but the have governed down the speed and generally tightened up on the madness. Imagine the trucks heading into Tokyo day in and day out, an incredible volume of goods.
One thing that often occurred to me when commuting on my bike when someone would pass rather close at high speed, is that people have an association with their vehicles that they pretty much forget what they have there in totality that is dependent on their control. I mean that beneath the comforts and cosmetics are big hunks of unforgiving steel traveling at a high rate of velocity, and capable of causing great harm. They would pass me within two feet or closer sometimes, (some real close calls!) and no doubt think nothing of it. Now if you were to ask those same people if they would like to stand within the same proximity of an artillery shell of equivalent weight whizzing by, one that they were sure wasn't going to hit them, I can't help but feel that the majority of them would most readily decline the offer. The whole idea might make them feel sick. People seem to have difficulty conceptualizing the similarity, the fact that both are frightening. Cars as potentially very hazardous objects get mostly not thought about. Best if it was on everyone's mind all of the time.