Woods walker
Well Burnham I will tell you.
First of all you represent an incredibly small portion of the federal workers.
For the most part, (99%) the feds use part time, intermittent, casual laborers who are seasonal.
You represent an incredibly small margin of the federal workforce. And you know this. (as a side note, it is a crying shame that you folks do not get the support you need)
The guy who was killed was a municipal worker.
Apples and oranges
In what ways do I mis-represent the rest then, Frans? I'm not trying to be obtuse, I just don't get your drift. If it is that you think the vast majority are lazy, stupid, leeches on society, I'm afraid you are mistaken, in my experience. I find that there is absolutely no difference in the quality of work put in by public and private workers. There are good, bad, and indifferent in every field.
Frans, on what data source do you base your claim that 99% of the federal workforce is seasonal...that does not come even close to matching my experience. And even if it were true, what's your point? That seasonal employees are somehow less talented, hard-working, safety concious than permanent employees? That also doesn't match my experience...hell, I was a seasonal myself for 8 years.
If I'm to be censured for wrongly comparing apples and oranges, then I'd ask that those who blithely toss off blanket statements about "gov't employees"' draw distinctions too. I'm damned if I know how one could do so with any accuracy though.
Broad characterizations of any group is easy. Too easy for thinking people to fall into accepting, imo.
Frans, I know this post started directed at you, but please hear me. I am addressing a much wider circle. I respect your skill, talent, and drive. Making a go of it in your chosen profession is no walk in the park.
If you truly find that in your encounters with people who work in the public sector that I am such a rare bird, then we surely have different impressions and will just have to agree to disagree. But I'll bet I have more interactions with federal, state, county, and city employees in any one month than you've had in the last 10 years. It's just the nature of my job.