Don Blair's equipment book

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It was entertaining to read. I would say it's a little dated. It's where all the euc vs oak man stuff comes from if I'm remembering correctly. It is also worth ceu's I think if you're isa cert'd.
He has some good stuff about routines for keeping the work safe, and the book in itself is a good read, but equipment wise it is way dated.
Ditto ^^

I'd send you mine for postage, but it's on the other side of the planet...
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Well, it sounds like everyone agrees. I figured it would be interesting but kind of dated. It probably is worth $50 so I guess I will order one. I already have Jerry's books.... I actually keep Fundamentals on my night stand and read bits and pieces almost nightly. It helps put me to sleep....;) It is amazing how much that book has taught me. Hopefully Don's book will teach me a thing or two also. If it does, it will be well worth the money. Thanks for all of your input.
Though maybe outdated Don's style through the book is both entertaining and educational. His Euc Man/Oak Man will live beyond all our beginnings and ends. It's a classic.

One of his short stories in the book that I liked was a description about discarding an old bull-rope at the public dump. Maybe a 200 foot worn-out thing that was beyond its time.

When he tossed it in the heap someone else picked it up and said, "Man this is some good stuff. I can really use this." And they threw that old rope in their rig and drove off.

Don reflected on this as a wonder that they would probably get hurt using that old rope for whatever purpose they had in mind. Since it was wore out and unsafe to use for anything but weaving a rug out of it, Don figured.

His conclusion was, from there on any old ropes discarded were cut into short enough lengths that no one could get hurt using it for any purpose.

Arborist's Tools by Don Blair is well worth the read. Good old school background and up bringing, and the roots of our industry today.
Some dumps have a rule about taking stuff, maybe for that reason. I was dumping in Northern California when i spied a whole slew of large plastic bags full of unused paper cups, what I use when finishing woodwork. i scrambled down and got some, then got yelled at by one of the guys at the dump. Either he wanted them or it was a safety concern? Not a whole lot of danger with paper cups, though.
Unless they held urin samples at one time.

This is a noobie question but what is the difference between Euc men and Oak Men
I have read bits and pieces of the book and enjoyed it greatly. Have met Don on several occasions, the last time at an Alex Shigo seminar in New Hampshire, a very special 3 days. I have always enjoyed the visits and stories that accompany the occasion. We have the book at work so I need to borrow it and finish reading it in my spare evening.
Don gave a great talk here last Winter. Don't get him talking about war, Vietnam Nam, gooks or the like, unless you want a very off color side discussion. How we got there, I have no idea.