Date Palm Lethal Decline Quarantine

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Aug 5, 2007
key Largo, fl.
Some info for Florida
Division of Plant Industry
P.O. Box 147100
Gainesville Florida 32614-7100
Telephone: 352-372-3505
Fax: 352-955-2300
December 12, 2008
TO: Florida Shippers of Date Palm Lethal Decline Host Plants to Texas
FROM: Richard D. Gaskalla, Director – Division of Plant Industry
SUBJECT: Date Palm Lethal Decline Quarantine
Date Palm Lethal Decline was first detected in Florida in 2006. Since this time, Date Palm Lethal
Decline has been detected in the counties of Hillsborough, Manatee, Sarasota, Pinellas and Polk counties.
The most current information is available on our department’s website at:
The Texas Department of Agriculture has established a Date Palm Lethal Decline Quarantine for the
following listed host palms for the entire state of Florida.
Phoenix canariensis, Canary Island date palm Sabal palmetto, cabbage/sabal palm
Phoenix dactylifera, date palm Syagrus romanzoffiana, queen palm
Phoenix sylvestris, silver date palm
This quarantine will require the above host palms be certified by the Division of Plant Industry as being
located more than two miles from a known infected palm and must meet the following guidelines:
• Palms must be under a pest management program for six weeks prior to shipment which must
include routine treatments for leafhoppers and whiteflies. (All treatment records must be
maintained and presented prior to certification.)
• Palms must be inspected within 24 hours prior to shipment and be certified with a state
phytosanitary certificate. A final treatment must be witnessed and included on the certificate.
For a complete detail on the new Date Palm Lethal Decline quarantine, please see the following link:,1460,1848_17053_27042_0,00.html
This information has been shared with our inspectors throughout the state. Your local inspector should be
in touch with you in regards to future exports to Texas. For additional information or questions in regards
to shipping Date Palm Lethal Decline palms to Texas, please contact Tyson Emery, Chief of Plant and
Apiary Inspection, at 352-372-3505.
I never much cared for the Phoenix species of palms. Come to think of it, I don't really care for ANY palms, except maybe the Roebellini, they're kinda cute. :)

Been too deeply hurt by date palms to like 'em much. Last wound took months to heal.

Been too deeply hurt by date palms to like 'em much. Last wound took months to heal.

Candy ass :P

I did one a few weeks ago, i was super into it and was picking out every flower deep inside the upper crown and got stabbed thru the ear into the back of my head, ouch, i took me a sec to cut the spine off the frond so i could move, ,i dont mind em it s just that aching feeling that they leave behind

same as robellini's cute but the ache they leave isnt fun either

i grew up doing them so i guess i'm sick in the head for not caring too much

we just got fusarium wilt here and its killing date palms here ..but nobody really wants to pay me more than the local hacks to do them, so wave gooodbye to your palm, and smile as it turns brown ,
hope the crown doesnt land on your car.:cry: