John, I think your idea is a great one. Here are a few common trees in my area and some of their characteristics.
Burr Oak
This tree seems to set the standard here. While understanding no tree is perfect, this tree has many more good qualities than bad. This may be the longest living species in our area living upwards of 200+. Great shade tree with very little storm damage, the fibers are incredibly strong. Great hinging characteristics. Snap cuts can be difficult on large long limbs. Even with an undercut as deep as possible and a sharp chain, the limb will want to hinge instead of falling straight down. Butch had previously mentioned side cuts as well as undercutting, this would be a great species to use that technique. One thing to mention, the wood gets much harder to cut through when it is dead, more so than other species around here. It feels like you are trying to cut through a rock.
Silver Maple
Very fast growing tree. Very weak wooded tree and very prone to storm damage. They get to be very large around here, maybe maxing out around 90ft. with an even larger spread. I know, I know, that would be considered a short tree out west

. Like I said the limbs are light and brittle and easy to snap cut. When felling, the tree does have decent hinge qualities. As far as removing trees that are still alive, this is the second most most common around here.
Siberian Elm
I don't even know where to start with this tree. Micheal Dirr calls this one of the worlds worst trees. Its is everywhere around here, it is like the cockroach of trees. It is the most commonly removed living tree here. It is moderately fast growing with extremely weak branch unions. This tree produces deadwood like crazy. Every time you turn your head something else dies. VERY prone to storm damage. Almost all of the trees you see around here have many damaged limbs in them, many of the limbs are just snapped in half. I remember driving though Oklahoma and seeing the very same thing. Very easy to snap cut. Don't try swinging any limbs with a directional cut, it's just going to fall straight down... Felling is still surprisingly ok though, not great.... just ok. The tree is just full of Japanese Beetles too.
I am going to add more info and more trees when I have more time. If you have any suggestions on what info should be added on each tree please share. I did this fairly fast so I am sure I didn't cover everything.