Crane Tie in Points


Sep 23, 2010
Anyone have any pics of how they tie into a crane? Or homemade versions of there tie in points? Tree stuff has one, but I feel I could make one similar for less. Plus shipping to Canada may take some time. Starting to do more of them and want to dial in my set up. Thanks
Usually, a shackle permanently attached right above the ball, but if push came to shove I just clipped into the ball with my rope behind the sling.


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I had a few feet of tri tech laying around, tied two steel rings on with triple fisherman's, set the hell out of them and heat shrunk the tails. It's about 4' ring to ring and is perfect to prussik around the line and have the rings just below the Apex of the ball.
I guess with the treestuff one you are buying the rated tag, although I think the necessity of that is a bit of a gray area.
I just use two shackles on the cable above the ball. I use the ones with a safety pin that goes on after the nut.

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Pretty much what I've been doing. Just thought I might be missing something. Might throw something together like greengreer made up.