Good luck with that Jon; did not add up for me. The BCMA is much more bang for the buck. Plus ASCA has a powerful anti-practitioner vibe; consulting is held as the be-all and end-all, but many "pure" consultants are so lacking in field smarts that their product ain't worth what they try to charge. my observation based on 18 years in and out of ascaI've got one more report to write to finish up the RCA, it is definitely a money grab but if you can market it and sell consulting work in your area it's probably worth it.
Also, when I was at the biomechanics week in august in ohio, all the 'lead' researchers in the world couldn't really agree on a lot of the issues which makes you realize none of this stuff is black and white...
I heard toat too, loud and clear. Learning to see the shades of gray, the level beyond black and white and dogma, that's the purpose of the whole cert program imo.
Yes it makes money for the org--how many of you could serve your customers if you did not make money?
And PB I think you got it backwards on the ceus--higher cert for more knowledge proven means more needed to maintain that level.
"start taking my business towards the consulting side and specialty work while creaming the good pruning... jobs." This can be a hugely productive niche; i've had it 6 years now and it has paid off well. Hands on the trees, mind on the science, can be a happy mix.