Climb Right Ultralight Spur Pads

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Thanks, Nick, and flushcut. Mine should be here by friday. I have a power pole in my yard im gonna practice on...Dont wanna hurt a tree for no reason...
Yo be careful on a power pole. They are different then the bark on a tree. Ive got scars to prove that. I slid down one once years ago and we had to use pliers to pull the pieces of creosote impregnated wood out of my stomach skin and bicep skin.
Yo be careful on a power pole. They are different then the bark on a tree. Ive got scars to prove that. I slid down one once years ago and we had to use pliers to pull the pieces of creosote impregnated wood out of my stomach skin and bicep skin.

AW, CRAP! ... OUCH! ... had to cross my legs reading that! DAYUM!
Put a full wrap around the pole with your flipline, that way if you slip you won't go far...ask me how I know this...
That makes it mighty hard to move, I gotta say. I did that once, then never again. The secret is a strong grip and as short as possible your lanyard.
Its easy on a palm tree.

Get the length just right and push/flip with hands under the ok on small trees, probably not on bigger ones.
Got the nephew married off in GA, and have returned to home sweet home. Had a great trip, lots of good visiting and fun doings.

Thanks, Butch!
I don't use climb right products, ive been to their factory and know one of the owners, especially their lanyards and rope grabs, I know people like their spurs, but im not down with them
Well, i appriciate the heads up on the power pole bermy, and tucker, thanks ...I will probably practice low n slow on the pine tree im going to be taking down here in a cpl weeks. It' a good one to start on...And, masterblaster hopefully one day soon im that comfy on a pair like the pic you posted ill. I'll post some pics when i get my HH and all my other stuff to...Thanks again for the heads up on the pole, never thought of it like that..
Butch, J dog stayed with our good friends and neighbors just up the road. We trade dog care and airport shuttle help with them regularly. Jasper is at home there as here :).
I tried some fixed pads this week, as I began doubting my own verdict on them. 20 minutes & they were in the truck & had to borrow caddies to finish the tree. The pads are far too small & put too much pressure on my shins to be comfortable. Hope they work better for others
Well, I'm totally down with you on the caddies, Pete...but I'm with Butch on wondering what you meant by "fixed pads"?