Chips sticking in chip box

No doubt! It's exclusive too because I run sharp and don't throw in any wood or
Garbage. Unlimited quantity.
Ive been having stickage in the corner of the bed as well. I'm going to paint them with slip plate in the morning. Anyone ever tried the slick paint in the chipper chute?
The problem with peeing on the side of the truck is people love calling corporate! Most of you guys have the luxury of telling someone on the phone to go f themselves, or just say, "hey the guy had to pee". Where I work they fire your ass for getting a call like that and then apologize to the offended party for you having to pee and not doing in their front yard or on the side of their damn house. Crazy world.
opening a door, whatever. I regularly open the cab door and a tool box door and stand in between and water the outriggers. We have a new guy starting I am thinking maybe I will head up in the biucket and then go "Aw hell, the outriggers leaking, is that hydraulic fluid, SMELL IT! Crap I gotta get out of this deathtrap."
I busted a guy once peeing on one of the wheels on the truck. It had been going on for a while, but I wanted to catch him red handed so to speak ...... came up behind him with a bottle of ice water... Fixed that shat... Never did it again.
I don't pee on your shat, don't pee on mine. It is disrespectful.

Old story.. buddy plumbing a house. An (ahem) migrant worker working for a landscaper came in the house after my buddy just set a sink (no water on in the house) and left the bathroom to bring up a toilet. Pees in the brand new sink. Walks back outside like no worries. Buddy is pissed off. It's hot and now the airless bathroom smells like piss. They pee in tubs, showers, anything. Disgusting. So my buddy, can't speak the language but somehow talks the worker out of his rake... Lays it down on the ground and whips it out and pees on the rake handle... Walks off.. Classic.
You live a blessed life, brother!

The Okanagan is a wonderful place! It is rare that we have to haul all the wood has been a long ass time since I visited any legit dump site, most of my wood and chips gets taken by the rural types around here.

As to the sticky chip situation, I think JP's or Willie's solution work well.

My chips always stick in the box of my truck...likely because its not a tipping kit. I just use a pitchfork! Good thing its only a short box...though by the end of a day of removals I'm beat. Did 5 loads on Tuesday, but I shouldn't complain, I'm in the best shape of my life haha. One day, fellas, one day...
Digging 45 yds of frozen chips?? You'd see God

I don't know how many yards are in a 45 foot chip trailer. Never did the math. They don't freeze solid if I remember correctly. I do think its a half day of digging, putting the truck on the tipper, digging, etc.
I busted a guy once peeing on one of the wheels on the truck. It had been going on for a while, but I wanted to catch him red handed so to speak ...... came up behind him with a bottle of ice water... Fixed that shat... Never did it again.
I don't pee on your shat, don't pee on mine. It is disrespectful.

Old story.. buddy plumbing a house. An (ahem) migrant worker working for a landscaper came in the house after my buddy just set a sink (no water on in the house) and left the bathroom to bring up a toilet. Pees in the brand new sink. Walks back outside like no worries. Buddy is pissed off. It's hot and now the airless bathroom smells like piss. They pee in tubs, showers, anything. Disgusting. So my buddy, can't speak the language but somehow talks the worker out of his rake... Lays it down on the ground and whips it out and pees on the rake handle... Walks off.. Classic.


I dump chips about 200 yards from my house. Man do I wish they took wood too..
I'm totally down to be the guinea pig to try the NeverWet in the chip truck. I'm thinking I just coat the perimeter maybe 1-2' up and 1' into the floor (does that make sense)

But that kit says it only covers 15 sf so I'd still need like 3 kits. I wonder if they sell it in a larger container that might save me $20. I can't find it. I haven't checked rustoleums website yet. Lemme go do that....

Not sure if true but a asplund guy told me over a beer in winter in Vermont said Pam cooking spray worked for just that keeping the corners free. Clean first was mentioned also. Might be worth a few can trial.
Rustolium probably wont last either with our abraisive loads. The UHMW works and lasts
Order an 1/8 inch sheet of it to fit the front of your bed deck. Clean the metal well and use an adhesive that bonds to both materials. I think I may have used liquid nails on that old truck I had to adhere it.