Chainsaw Dawgs! (Falling Spikes)

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The little outside plate is how the larger outside dog connects to the clutch cover Jay. If you look on the inside of the cover there are two recesses for the fasteners. I had to drill the holes, however if you look online, husky makes larger dogs for the 550 that are basically the same size as the ones that I've got on it now. Couldn't find them anywhere for sale however, so maybe that's a European thing. . . Anyways, it explains why the outside cover was cast to accept a larger outside dog.

More about this little 550XP. . .

So having one large dog on the saw was only marginally better than the small single that it came with. I lost about 2" of bar without any real control or accuracy gains. It kept the bark off the muffler, but that was about it. I did some prowling around looking for custom falling spikes, and it turns out there are several guys putting out some pretty cool stuff.

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These stainless versions are also available in basically the same configuration for the 562XP, and he's got version for the larger saws as well. I know a lot of guys don't care about spikes, or single vs double, but for me, having a dog on the outside was like discovering fire. These are from Sierradmax over on AS. Fit was perfect. $50 shipped to my door.

Please feel free to offer your thoughts or comments on falling spikes and what their proper role should be.


You still liking those dogs? I just got a 550 and love the saw, but the stock dog is a joke. Anyone seen other good aftermarket dogs for the 550?
I agree, the dogs on the 550-562 xp saws are HORRIBLE! I just started playing with these saws cutting timber and the dogs have GOT to be replaced. One thing I would like to add that some aren't going to agree with me on is that I PREFER only ONE set of dogs on a felling saw. The reason is that Ive seen way too many clutch covers and housings ruined by having 2 sets. What happens is when a tree starts falling and you've got the dogs buried in the wood, the log goes one way while the stump stays put. That will tear a saw apart.
I would say I would take a pic for you the next time it happens but the very first thing I do when putting a new saw into service now days is to remove a set of dogs. I normally remove the inside set btw. Clutch covers are cheaper than crankcases!
Every time I see the title of this thread...

You have the omnipotent powers here -- why not just change the thread title to Felling Dogs? Since it's in the chainsaw forum, no one will think it's about horrible dog attacks or falling dogs:

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I've had it happen when bucking logs that are suspended above ground.
The dogs are buried in the short log that is being bucked off, and gets pulled down and squashed by that.
Easy remedy, pull your saw back as the log starts to separate from the rest of the tree.
That's one way it can happen, that can be prevented. When its a standing tree that's worth more than the saw youre using you better stay in that cut or else you will end up with some VERY expensive firewood when the tree splinters.
Once the tree start to go, you have done your part and should not be there!
Tinkering with cut as it go is not safe or smart. And not needed!
Trust me Magnus, I know how to cut timber. I average 1 to 1.5 mil ft per year, I will be 54 next week, been doing this all my life and Im a 3rd generation logger. If youre cutting veneer white oak or walnut you dang well better get that cut right.
On a front leaner that is going over as you cut, damned well better stay and cut or it'll split on you.

Do too many of those and you'll be looking for a new job.

Huntaholic, nice to have another hardwood logger on board, I've been feeling kinda lonely.

Post up some pics, please.
I'd love to see how things are done in your part of the forest.
Is there a way to post them straight from my phone? I haven't used photobucket in so long I doubt it would work anymore and this computer is so old I don't remember how to do it that way either. I quit posting pics about 7 or 8 years ago for personal reasons and just haven't got back into it since then.