Certified Arborists

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I'm interested in my customers opinions, if they are not, then thy are going the way of or government. I will not sign that paper when it gets delivered to me without some major changes and clarification. I read on the buzz where some guys have heard that ISA is only concerned with tree related issues and they have signed. The paperwork does not specify that at this time
Nope, it's almost to the uncool timeframe. At least a "we got your e-mail and are looking into it" would suffice for a bit
That is somewhat dissapointing Willie. Maybe I missed it but was your inquiry made to the chapter or to the main ISA? You're a PNW member aren't you?
I just sent them another e-mail asking for a response here so that we knew they were interested in our opinions

Post up the email addy you sent it to and we can get a form letter together and let them see it's not just an Oregon quack that thinks it's poorly constucted.
[email protected]
Another local company is putting together a letter also, i'll see if I can get him to post it here. then you cn modify it any way you see fit
Keith sent me his letter to post up here. They have 4 or 5 arbs on staff that have all signed the letter and will be sending it out today. Please make changes as you see fit and send in a copy. If anyone knows how to do an online petition please do so.

I.S.A. mailing address

Petition to Amend
the New Certificant Ethics Representations and Agreements

May 11, 2009

Dear ISA:

The undersigned Certified Arborists are shocked and offended by the new Ethics Representations and Agreements. These Representations and Agreements are not only a gross violation of our right to privacy; they are arrogant and offensive. We also firmly believe that they are bad for the tree care industry and should be deleted or thoroughly amended as soon as possible.

The questions in the Ethics Representations and Agreements are extremely broad and far exceed the scope of a professional organization trying to keep disreputable people out of its ranks. For example, Question 4 states: "I have not been found in violation of any law, regulation or policy by a government..." "Any law" includes innumerable petty violations: traffic violations, parking tickets, jaywalking and indeed skateboarding on school property in Central Point, Oregon. Is this relevant to our professional behavior? "Any law" also includes laws which have since been rescinded or overturned, such as a sodomy law in Texas which lead to the conviction of two men in Houston in 1998. The Supreme Court overturned the decision in 2003, but both men would have to disclose this information to the ISA to renew certification. Perhaps the ISA now fancies itself the court of higher instance.

Secondly, the question is not limited in time, even though most people agree that debts to society can be paid. Under Question 4, for instance, an arborist would have to admit to the ISA a conviction for possessing marijuana that may have happened many years ago. Is our behavior as 18 year-olds, however questionable, any business of the ISA? Here again, the ISA is placing itself above the criminal justice system by saying a debt to society cannot be paid and forgotten.

Nor is Question 4 limited in space. It implies such a simplistic view of government as just and moral that we have to wonder if anyone on the ISA Ethics Committee has ever read a newspaper. The unlimited term "a government" implies every government worldwide, past and present, however unethical or evil it may have been. Obviously, the pure among us would not want to associate with Roxana Saberi, the journalist who was recently convicted of spying in Iran. Nelson Mandela would have to explain his prison time to the ISA before he could renew certification. As would Vaclac Havel and, of course, Martin Luther King. We certainly wouldn't want to tarnish our organization by admitting these disreputable people who have been found in violation a law by a government.

Lastly, we are greatly offended that the ISA has not only overstepped its bounds by asking us questions
that have nothing to do with our professional behavior, but it makes the information a matter of public record as well. Kathy Client will now be able to call the ISA to learn about the pending domestic violence charges that were filed against Joe Arborist as part of nasty divorce proceedings. Offended, Kathy will turn to Toppin' Tom who is fortunate enough to keep his private life private. Clearly the ISA's new ethics policy has protected Kathy and her trees.

We are proud to be Certified Arborists and proud of the work done by the ISA in improving the quality of tree work worldwide. We fully expect the that the ISA will address our concerns in a sincere and timely manner and will keep us informed in such matters. We look forward to your response.

I can't believe the ISA idiots have to be told what idiots they are. Only a career politician could come up with something so utterly and astoundingly idiotic and think it was a good enough idea to make it a policy. I think they need something like 90% of cert. holders refuse to even renew, maybe that will show them how idiotic they are for creating such a bizarre and ill-informed policy.
I can't believe the ISA idiots have to be told what idiots they are. Only a career politician could come up with something so utterly and astoundingly idiotic and think it was a good enough idea to make it a policy.

Reminds me of how 'they' changed the gas can laws to make everyone use a gas can which is a down right menace to ourselves as well as the environment.
Typical case of some bureaucrat having too much time on their hands
'slumming'? No, just a derail.

I 'slum' at the TreeHouse. Gotta problem with that?
I had a conversation again today with our ISA-NE chapter president, Melissa LeVangie.

She said that in four lengthy conversations with various people at ISA, she hasn't gotten a clear answer on this. Her advice is for everyone to continue to email and telephone ISA regarding this issue and make sure they know what we think about it.
Thats my beef, ISA is a trade organization.

The Treehouse could develop a certification program, lobby government agencies to make it a requirement for public work and force anyone who wants to do said work pay dues and fee's to the Treehouse.

Isn't that racketeering???

No ones gonna bite on this one huh??

Y'all skeered?
i aint scared......i just got their bs form, but supposedly if you dont send it in they wont recertify you ...is that right?

i have no convictions personally, but what about my employees that do, and are trying to become ctw's or ca's

how is it fair for a man to be judged by a group of white collar arbs?
how is it fair that if you did your time and parole time, and havent been in any contact with the law,
yet your background could prevent you from being certified

so how bout west coast arborist in ca....they have a whole classification of qualified arborist......is that because they couldnt get certified so the company makes a watered down version for those foreman....
so couldnt i just do an in house class and test and call them qualified as well?

i think it in theory is agreat idea,
but i see a lot of wording in their papers about, agree ing with the isa, and return of all certificates, stop use of .........

i think they are getting ready to purge the pool, the wording in it is too specific, it's coming.....so you better not have been banned from treebuzz or you might get dropped