Car Buying Question

What is the appeal of the Element for you? What are you looking for in a vehicle?

14.5 hours drive according to google maps. 880 miles, the short way. That's either 2 drive days (sleep in the back of the Element?), or a very tired driver. Isn't that what planes are for? Drive once, and fly back to visit. I drove solo 750 miles on one shot one time. Too far to call it "safe".
I sleep in my Civic ez pz for road trips. 880 miles isn't something I'd wanna do every day, but I certainly wouldn't get out of my car to sleep on that trip. Take a couple hour nap and get on to your destination.

The longest I've done on a straight stretch (with quick naps in the driver's seat) is about 11-1200 miles from here to Brendon's. I've done that a few times now.

And yes, I stop for those quick naps :lol:
Naps to break it up would be a good choice. Something that you can catch a few zzz in would be good. A Civic seems like a good choice for a college student. Reliable, fuel efficient.
You guys can have your road trips. I'll wait for you to catch up after I fly there. :lol:
Do out of State cars/trucks/SUV require a safety inspection to be licensed and insured?

Maybe he should fly up and buy something there.

They sure have toughened up on that issue here. Even virtually new cars are inspected, and lots of work is required.
Massachusetts has a full inspection as I recall.. Safety and emissions... Correct me if I am wrong Erik Mike or.....
You might be right Brent.. He might be better off finding a car there. Then there is the salt........ :/:
Fifteen grand....I think that you are wanting to spend way too much on a car for yourself at this point. Can't you get something decent enough to drive and reliable for a fair amount less? Save your dough, kid. Cars are tools, that's all.

AGREED! I've wasted thousands on cars over the years..
My first road car was $40. 5 year old 1966 Valiant with 120,000 miles. It actually was a nice looker. Back then 100.000 was about the life of an engine. It liked its oil but ran fine.

Even new cars break down occasionally. AAA and a way to pay for unforeseen repairs would put me in the comfort zone.
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Thanks guys. I'll have to see what Erik or Mike say about the inspection thing.

BTW, I won't be driving back and forth a lot between MA and KY. Just once or twice a year, at most. Since it's so far away, thats the main reason Mom wants me to buy a new car. That and the fact that they would like to hand the Jeep down to little bro in a year or two.
Safety inspection annually, with emissions every other year I believe. ($29 fee) Should be able to transfer plates and insurance. Insurance isn't cheap up here either.

If you only had tougher laws on the state's drunkard population... alas, Teddy would have nothing to do with that! :lol:

Adrian, take my word from an outsider's prospective... driving in Eastern MA, sucks! Get a cheap car, for lower insurance rates, registration fees, etc. Watch out for massholes, drunks, and other drivers of American and foreign descent. What isn't beaten or banged up in parking lots or fender-benders, the salt and calcium chloride will rust the rest of it away
You guys can have your road trips. I'll wait for you to catch up after I fly there. :lol:

Cool, we can have a drink at the bar while they drive ;)

Nah, I think you should finance a $30-$40K car. I did that in my early 20s. Good learning lesson on how much it suck to not buy a car with cash ;)
If you only had tougher laws on the state's drunkard population... alas, Teddy would have nothing to do with that! :lol:

Adrian, take my word from an outsider's prospective... driving in Eastern MA, sucks! Get a cheap car, for lower insurance rates, registration fees, etc. Watch out for massholes, drunks, and other drivers of American and foreign descent. What isn't beaten or banged up in parking lots or fender-benders, the salt and calcium chloride will rust the rest of it away

Adrian, luckily Amherst is a whole world away ( at least 2 1/2 hours anyways) from eastern Mass. It's almost like the happy valley really isn't part of Massachusetts at all.
All I will say is, don't go into debt right as you begin college. Resist every urge to spend a single cent on anything besides the bare minimum. If you have to make payments on debt, you'll have to give up study time to work, which will mean every kid out there without a job has an advantage over you. In a university setting where grades are curved, you must get a higher score on every exam than everybody else to get an A. Getting good grades in college is a heckuva lot more important than it was in high school, and it's a gazillion light years more important than a car. I'd say try not to take a car at all if you can help it. You'll probably have to get a job just to buy the insurance and gas and repairs, let alone make payments. No car = way less expenses = don't have to work = better grades. Focus on what is important and the rest will fall into place at the right time.
Grad schools look at transcripts, employers not really. The actual dimploma is what matters.They also want to know what else you did while in college. Most kids in college (at least at UMass) have cars now. Having a car shouldn't have an impact on your grades. Lots of kids at Umass have part time jobs as well. I did and so did my wife. She had a car and a job and she is a friggin doctor. There is a good bus system out there that is free. Is your Stockbridge program 2 years in Amherst and 2 years in Stockbridge or all 4 years at Amherst?
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Hey Mike, it's just a 2 year program in Amherst. I could extend it another 4 years to UMass for a forestry degree, but haven't decided yet on that.

As for the car, I'll try to find something relatively cheap, but reliable. Going to be paid for in full with cash thats part of a sum that I inherited when Dad's now deceased Step-Mom got when she was hit in the hospital walking down a corridor by a portable X-Ray machine, or something of the sorts.

EDIT: Another stupid question for MA people. I'm figuring something with front wheel drive or 4 wheel drive, because of the all the snow and stuff. Am I wrong in assuming this?(You can see my ignorance in this area:|:)
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Haven't applied yet. We're going up there in about 2 weeks or less. Going to talk to them face to face. Find out if I apply and am accepted, do I have to go next year, or could I take a year off so I could live in state to establish residence and get in-state tuition. Because that would save me a ton of money.
You don't have to spend $15k to get a "reliable" vehicle. My $7400 Civic has been near anywhere you're likely to drive in the next couple years east of the Mississippi. Hell over this past Thanksgiving weekend I put 2300 miles on it, driving to TN, VA, SC, FL and back home. The Thanksgiving before that it was parked beside Brendon's truck in Connecticut;).

Money in the bank is far more important than what you're driving. I started college with a ~$500/month Jeep payment, but school was already paid for and I had a scholarship for the taking on top of that. Still, that $500/month sucks when you think having a couple grand in the bank means you have alot of money. I never missed a payment, but I remember a 9 week stretch I couldn't work because I had something going on with ROTC in my free time. I find life a lot more enjoyable when I don't have to worry about "living" money.
I believe you have the rest of your life to buy bling bling new cars and trucks. There are so many decent trucks/cars out there in the 5k price range.

My buddies like to bash my 1993 Toyota pickup, 181,500 miles. They all roll around in new 2010 Toyota's, living pay check to paycheck trying to pay for it. Who has the last laugh when I can pay for all their debt but drive by in my 1993?

It's really easy to pick up a payment, sign the name. Just think about it.
If fifteen grand isn't a ton of money, I'm sure not up to the current mode of thinking.

I work with my hands....:(