More biners!!!

I’m with Butch, its alright coming out with the mantra that you MUST keep going to keep going, but if you can’t, if it hurts too much and you have to stop, then that what you must do.
Pete Egoscue's whole concept is "health through motion" -- he preaches that the body is an integrated motion machine. Most physical conditions and postural dysfunctions are caused by lack of motion combined with negative compensating motion. I'm cribbing some of the better concepts and techniques (which in turn come from Yoga, but without the strong Eastern influence), and it helps me stay supple, fluid and functional despite a prior catastrophic injury. Sure helps me do this tree stuff! Well worth the 30 min a day!
I've read the original Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion, Pain Free, and Pain Free at Your PC -- also have the Posture Solutions DVD. Then I switch to more bodyweight repertoires when I am feeling good enough -- Matt Furey's flexibility and conditioning stuff, and Ross Enamait's bodyweight and dumbbell menus when I'm more ambitious. I also have GSP's Rushfit DVDs, but haven't gotten to a baseline level with my ankles and feet to be able to attempt those yet.What books or info of Pete's have you read? I read Pain Free, and bits of Pain Free at Your PC. Did 8 training sessions with one of his affiliates. Only reason I got away from using his exercises was for time savings and to do easier movements that accomplish most of what I want to on a day by day basis. I want to step my game up a notch or few and may do more of his program for a time - it gets results.
You outta put your age in your profile... everyone should.
I was strong at 50 but around 55 or 56 my body just started breaking down and if I kept going like I was I would soon be crippled.
I wish I could still do treework...