Bucket List

Daughter!!?? Cool :D

I haven't gotten my list together, but learning how to turn a bowl just got on it. Got the wood, probably even have the tools....hopefully have 'the gift'....now I need the time.
5 weeks from due date :O

It is exciting times.

I am not getting any younger plus there never seems to be a good time to start a family. :)

Awesome Nate, cant wait to see the pics and hear about the birthday. We have our little story of fun and odd timing, seems eveyone gets a different kick at it. :) Here's to you and yours welcoming a healthy bouncing little one sometime soon!

ps, ours is starting to bust out his second tooth... :D

time flies amigo, you have no idea until that little one is born, make sure you and your wife enjoy the last bit of pregnancy, like I told my wife with a couple weeks to go, you never know, this might be the only time it ever happens for you, make the most of it!
I would like to get back to New England again.. See people I love and know. See my sons and my soon to come daughter all grown up and making a life for themselves, in a world that has more promise for them. I would also like to see Ireland, Scotland, England and maybe more of Europe.. I want to start vacationing in Mexico again once a year in Puerto Vallerta and bring my wife that has never been.
Sing in a public performance once more.
Quit Ciggys.
RACE CARS AGAIN... My old hobby.
Own a horse and ride :)
I think one of my bucket list items would have to be getting an idea of mine patented. --Boy do I have a lot of ideas. :big-wink:
All that travelling around was bound to catch up with him.:D

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Screw it, I have some a few before I die wishes......

To hang glide and ride a Morning Glory as far as possible.
You should start a hang gliding thread - show us some pics from up there.

By the way, what sort of launching area do you need? Can you get enough lift by standing in the back of a truck while it races forward?
You have to come out with me when I start up again in Feb. First I have get a baby into this world!

I'll start a thread!
All I want, is to see my kids grow into healthy decent adults, and maybe see a few grandchildren, anything else will be a bonus..

Simple things these days such as a spot of fishing with my son, a nice meal out with the wife, a holiday now and again, satisfy me..

Congratulations Nate and Mrs Nate, being a father is a pretty cool thing if done to the best of your ability..
Enjoy those daredevil sports while you can, Nate. With children comes the realization of your own mortality and the responsibility of providing for your family. In other words, one tends to settle down a bit. :D