Bucket baby harness?


Sep 25, 2006
Vernon, B.C.
What do y'all wear while in a bucket? My bucket came with a old fall arrest harness and I've always used that but it's time to replace it.
I always liked the belt we used for my previous employer. When I bought my bucket. it came with an XL fall arrest harness that I would probably slip out of! I picked up a nearly new one at a pawn shop that fits nice and is easy in and out
I bought a Rose Safety Fall arrest harness cheply before I got the bucket. I use a shock absorbing lanyard attached to the dorsal D. Bridging between the side Ds with a sling makes it usible if not comfortable as a traditional saddle. Since I have the Rose it is a low priority right now but if I were starting from scratch i would buy The Petzl Navajo V2 Bod. The Navajo is not a great climbing saddle but it is a usable one and very lightweight. The full body version makes sense to me as a bucket harness since it is a good set up for transitioning into climbing the tree. A full body version of the Buckingham Master is a viable option but it actually weighs more then the Petzl and costs more also.
I used the full body harness for many years, but recently switched to a single waist belt with the shock absorbing lanyard. So much easier to get in and out of than that harness, but it would probably snap my spine if I ever fell. :O
I have a full body harness that Altec gave me when I bought my current truck. I used it in Kentucky on the FEMA contract, it took a second person to help me get into it.
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I always liked the belt we used for my previous employer.

What exactly do y'all mean when you say 'belt'?

I would like something that will work in conjunction with my fall arrest lanyard to actually keep me from dying or breaking my back if the levelling system fails or something happens to knock me from the bucket. I don't want to be wearing a something very bulky at all though.

For the odd time I transition out I just throw on my climbing harness for that particular ride.
Like stumpy was saying

I also just put my saddle on if I plan to climb out of the truck
What exactly do y'all mean when you say 'belt'?

I would like something that will work in conjunction with my fall arrest lanyard to actually keep me from dying or breaking my back if the levelling system fails or something happens to knock me from the bucket. I don't want to be wearing a something very bulky at all though.

For the odd time I transition out I just throw on my climbing harness for that particular ride.

I thought we were supposed to ride the bucket down and jump just before it hits the ground.:lol: What about one of those lightweight full body harnesses made from nylon that has the leg straps and a d ring right in the center of the back with one of those slow fall strap. A freind of mine has one he used to use when he was painting the ceilings at the gm factorys around here. The strap starts to pull apart as you fall slowing you down before the big jerk at the end, and holds you straight up and down. Instead of supermanning it like that belt.
I have a harness like you showed Stumper, but I use an old basic climbing saddle with a fall arrest lanyard.
On my basket, the TIP is inside the basket at thigh level. I use an adjustable lanyard which makese it hard for my saddles TIP to get outside the upper edge of the basket, unless I'm standing on the railing getting a bit higher.

I'm not sure that I'd wear a regular harness if the TIP was on the boom.
Squish, this is pretty much the most comfortable work Class III Harness out there. Also its setup proper so you can get out of the bucket (sounds crazy I know) and climb in the tree in comfort.


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The place where I bought my first bucket insisted on putting a boom strap on it. Totally impractical and potentially lethal when operating a bucket that goes over center. I demonstrated to them in the parking lot how ridiculously unsafe the boom strap was and took it off before taking delivery of my truck.
Mine is to a ring on the steel bracket that the fiberglass bucket bolts to. It was designed specifically for that purpose. You won't get pulled out of the bucket when you flip the boom upside down.
By "boom strap," I was referring to the strap that holds the upper boom secure when in transit. I don't think that's what you were talking aboot.
No, a boom strap is a strap that you put around the upper boom next to the bucket. It has a D ring on it and you secure yourself to that D ring instead of to the tie-in point on the bucket.
Yea, I'm getting that and that is what I use, too. So what do you call the strap that secures the upper boom?