Black Walnut Value?

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Good deal, especially in this log market. I guess sticking to your guns paid off, BIG TIME!8)
I just explained this thread to my wife 'cuz she walked into the middle of it.

Of course she busted by bollz 'cuz I told one of her girlfriends that it was an urban legend that she could get someone to cut down her walnut trees...and pay her for them...:|:
Say what 3 thousand dollars US funds .Oh my I am in the wrong business for sure .Good heavens I must have burned up a million bucks worth of the stuff at those prices .

I think it might be Canuckbucks, so only like $10. See its not that bad Al.:D
3g Canadian. And ya know what. My uncle(who's also my one employee) lined up this buyer so I'm flowing him 1g as a season end bonus and good faith for making this happen. I owe him alot, he's a good man. I'm assuming this guy would be flooded by any large amount of wood flow but if he wants the odd log here and there that I can supply. Bonus!
Well ,what ever you do don't be advertising the fact you got a good chunk of change from a yard tree .Before too long you'll have to be paying for removals rather that getting paid for them ,not good .
Well ,what ever you do don't be advertising the fact you got a good chunk of change from a yard tree .Before too long you'll have to be paying for removals rather that getting paid for them ,not good .

No worries, I had to let you guys all know. But locally I'm keeping it to myself.
Well as I said before no way in the world that log would fetch that much here . It's ironic because this area produces the finest black walnut in the world too as well as white oak .Pa. red oak is better they say .The Ontarioites claim their maple is better but the largest producer of bowling alley maple in the world is 30 miles south of here if that tells you anything .

Ya know ,it's kind of a beech being in one of the most prolific hardwood areas yet it only fetchs about firewood prices at the mills .Something is wrong with this picture .:what:
Lol. People will have to take what they want from it I suppose. I could take a picture of a bunch of cash for you if you'd like.:lol:
Dang !!! There's so much black walnut around here it's silly, but I've only found 1 guy ever that was interested. He's got an old semi-trailor set up with a dehumidifier & racks; mills his own stuff.
Best I could do is get him to come pick up wood. Free. Getting him to show up proved problematic.
P.S. He had an interesting contraption made out of a converted propane tank hauler for transporting logs. Now THAT was cool !
I recently made contact with an extremely knowledgable wood guy, who processes and sells all kinds of woods, exotics etc.. He told me of the record price for a walnut log....It was about 1000 board feet, and sold for $98,000!!!! The entire log was quilted and of the highest grade.Wow...

I'd heard of $10k for a quilted big leaf maple log......