Cali dreamer
Sometimes the big wood will clog, rarely.
Need to turn down the speed on the feed rollers is all.
Need to turn down the speed on the feed rollers is all.
morbarks definately need a blower. Check out this euro morbark model 10 with a hydraulic blower. In my Experience, Woodsman are even worse for plugging up.
That blower looks like it is mounted in the wrong place if it is blowing air right at the bend of the chute. My Woodsman 18X was equipped with a belt driven blower like those on the C&D type chippers. I paid an extra $1K to have it put in while the chipper was being built by Woodsman. After the terrible clogging problems I had with my Morbark M17 when chipping palm fronds, I insisted it have a blower or I wasn't buying the chipper.
Woodsman spend about a month trying different locations to place the blower, starting first with simply placing it on the chute, the easiest place. It did not work well. My machine had the blower discharge mounted just below the chute, on the chipper drum housing itself. It got pressure from the point before the chips entered the chute itself. If you started the chipper and held your hand in front of the chute, you would feel air pressure like that of a back pack blower.
My Woodsman rarely ever clogged, and if it did, it was only on really wet stuff, like banana tree trunks. If we mixed the banana trunks with branches, no problem.