Bamboo in Tropical North Dakota (Far southern Canada)

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You haven't heard of bamboo shoots in Chinese food, Al? Markets with Chinese food sections will often have it in cans. The young shoots are tender. i'm not so keen on it myself, but no problem giving it away.
Now that you mention it I have but it's been a long time since I've had any .

My favorite story of Chinese food happened in Myrtle Beach South Carolina .My daughter ,then 8 or 9 and myself went to the resterant and I asked for chopsticks .When all the waitresses were amazed to see not only myself wield them as good as any Asian they marveled at this little girl .Always a show off the little chit shifted hands and used them left handed .Little did they know she could also write with both hands .
I've used them for years and will still have trouble picking up a pea or a single noodle. :X It's not proper etiquette to stab things, possibly other than unwanted intruders.
That I can do or at least I used to be able to .I had a foxey Thai lady show me how who also showed my daughter .I could pick up stuff that cutie could not and she was raised in that culture .

I can't remember her name but she was one of the classiest women I ever met .Always a true lady about everything .40 some years old and looked like 25 .
The clam part wouldn't be bad but the soup part would be a chore .I don't think it's a big deal because the Chinese know what a spoon is by now . Hmm Chinese clam chowder .Wonder what that is ?
Yeah, there was a big deal here for awhile where packages of pot stickers sold in the supermarkets and from China, the meat turned out to be cardboard. Big stink about it and everybody tried to remember the last time they had eaten pot stickers. They know how to flavor used paper. Some undercover work showed a guy chopping cardboard with a big meat clever, but apparently everybody scrammed before arrests were made. Be wary of Chinese food that says on the package, "For export only".
Well I had a steak the other day that tasted like cardboard if that accounts for anything .It was suppossed to be a filet mignon but I think they grilled a hoof instead .
i think it would be hard to camouflage a whole cardboard steak, unless perhaps the scientists at Monsanto had been working on it. The cardboard cooks seem to get away with it longer when producing one bite sized products that have a covering. If the flavor is close you're in, at least for awhile. In the video I saw, the soggy cardboard being sliced up didn't appear completely unappetizing if you can get by it being so flat.
Come visit here Butch. You'll learn about bad pizza. There's a nearby town called Old Forge, and a style called "old Forge style" came from there. Its like toast, with cheap thin sauce on top, and American cheese. Friggin nasty. The locals, especially as you get closer to Old Forge, think that the crap is a delicacy from heaven.
Yeah, here too, some of the zillions of coffee shops will have a dainty thing that they call pizza, and served on a napkin. If you wrapped it up and put it in your coat pocket, the next time you wore that coat and remembered it was there, eating it would taste the same as when it was first served.
Best pizza I ever ate was in London. Hands down. Butch, we do have good pizza around here, but almost every pizza menu has "round" or "old forge style". I, as you can guess, order round.

Most mom and pop gas stations get old forge style early in the morning, cut it up in squares, wrap in in syran wrap, and put the wrapped pieces in a basket on the counter. For the whole day....
I just started at the beginning of this discussion and I can't stop laughing.

Bamboo can't possibly be any worse than raspberries, can it? The owner of the greenhouse here in Cando hired me to come in with my tractor and tiller to get rid of some raspberry plants growing behind his greenhouses. HOLY BOLOGNA! I nearly got lost in there. I've never seen anything like it. They were growing out of cracks in the sidewalks,through walls, fences, and even from under concrete foundation blocks. I've been tilling his garden area for three years now and there are always raspberry plants. I can't kill those danged things. Bamboo might be harder on tractor tires, but it can't be much worse than thinks.

Bamboo sound.

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