Atkins Diet

Ya go hand over hand one rung at a time to the top, and then back down. If you're too lazy or tired to make it back down, ya shimmy down one of the ropes in the tree to the right.


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LOL, well Butch, think about it, not as dangerous as what many of the tr'ousers do for a living, eh? :) I don't even have a chainsaw lanyarded to me when I go up!

How do ya like this Olympic bar and bumper plates?


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I'm not a fan of all that crazy soloing. It's nuts. That ladder of mine only goes up about 20 feet. Little chalk on the hands and you're not going to fall. If you get tired, just put your feet between the rungs and you can rest.
More than me too, by a longshot. The plates are just loaded for the pic. What's nice is you can clean and jerk, snatch, or clean heavy, and then just drop the thing on the rubber platform. I've found the Olympic lifts, even at my age, are very beneficial, much more than machines. They're nowhere near as dangerous as they're made out to be. True danger is regular tree work. But of course ya'll know that.
I have my own thang going on, but it ain't set up proper.


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I'm extremely impressed with your dumbbell collection. Not so much with the lat pulldown machine, as simple pullups with a bar are far more effective. That's a bodacious treadmill. Can you do sprints on it?

That leg extension machine. I had one and it didn't seem to do much but maybe give me a backache. I've got a glute-ham machine now and it's the ticket. Want to never have to use suspenders again? Git yourself one and your glutes will pop. Chicks love glutes! :D


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Bachar was an odd/dangerous guy... put free solo on the map... I mean high, hard free solo.

I climbed with John as well as Ron Kauk. Used to go outside Mammoth and boulder at some of big Johns spots. Loved burning and climbing in Owens river Gorge. Many years ago I did a tree job for his smokin hot, bad ass skier ex-wife Brenda. Still to this day, good memories.
Just an update. I still do my 3/ 5 mile daily routine, but I've worked (remember, I started at just TWENTY!) my leg raises to 3 x 100 daily. I never miss them. Alas, my addiction to tasty fare has left me with a bit of a gut, still. I'm stuck at 184.

But Imma happy camper. If I stick to my routine, it can only get better! :)

Alas... I'm losin' weight again... steady diet of stress and Bud Light... not much food that is worth a damn... this ain't healthy at all...

I gotta get my shit together...

But anyways... not lookin' too bad there Amigo!

Just an update. I still do my 3/ 5 mile daily routine, but I've worked (remember, I started at just TWENTY!) my leg raises to 3 x 100 daily. I never miss them. Alas, my addiction to tasty fare has left me with a bit of a gut, still. I'm stuck at 184.

But Imma happy camper. If I stick to my routine, it can only get better! :)

That's friggin' incredible, MB, you look great. Nice work. You've come a long way from five years ago photoshopping out your love handles, LOL. Everybody loves to hate on Atkins, but I betcha all your numbers (cholesterol, triglicerides, etc.) have all improved. Gotta say I'm a tad envious, as I've a little ways to go to get there but I'm not too far off. Beer, of course, is my bete noir. :)