Asthma.. Do any of you guys have asthma and have home rememdys to help?


Feb 1, 2015
Southside of Chicago
Im a climber with Asthma and somedays its really bad. How do you guys cope or deal with it. I hate always using my inhaler. I always finish the job and still work. Just wondering what you guys do or have any ways of dealing with it??
I have an inhaler and understanding clients.
I also have a Wraptor for those times I will do ok if I just get up in the tree with out the extra energy required.
Coffee helps as well.
Inhaler Wraptor coffee with a shot of espresso and generally, the more I work the better it is. Same goes for excercise, which I don't get enough of. Are you climbing SRT? You should .
Was thinking about that exact thing as well last night Bud. Stay active. Stay in shape or the asthma will kick your arse. Keep that heat and lungs working ...
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I will try the coffee idea. Inalso work out religiously so thats good. I feel its when the weather changes it get bad. Id like to learn SRT .
Inhaler Wraptor coffee with a shot of espresso and generally, the more I work the better it is. Same goes for excercise, which I don't get enough of. Are you climbing SRT? You should .
No personal experience with Asthma. But, you write like you're searching and I have heard of one thing I would thoroughly check out if I were faced with that challenge. (I like to understand the principals behind a thing and this sounds like it has merit to me.)

First heard of it in a book about a Pakistani doctor that was thrown in a political prison and went on to help the other prisoners with their medical issues. Had no medicines available and so water and it's liberal use was what he had to proscribe. Asthma was one of the many things he felt abundant drinking of water would cure.

You know that when you breath out moisture is expelled from your lungs. (Fogging a mirror.) This adds up to some amount like a pint per day. So, under this line of thinking an 'asthma attack' would be the body triggered by indications of dehydration. The lungs close down as one more way to conserve a scarce resource. The solution would be abundant hydration. (Think I remember one to one and a half gallons per day for a person in rather sedentary conditions.

Seems simple and harmless enough to run a test on.

Welcome to The House by the way.
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Wow thank you Mele. That was very informational and i will look into some books like that. I try to drink a Gallon or more with working out and what not. I appreciate this and thank you!
No personal experience with Asthma. But, you write like you're searching and I have heard of one thing I would thoroughly check out if I were faced with that challenge. (I like to understand the principals behind a thing and this sounds like it has merit to me.)

First heard of it in a book about a Pakistani doctor that was thrown in a political prison and went on to help the other prisoners with their medical issues. Had no medicines available and so water and it's liberal use was what he had to proscribe. Asthma was one of the many things he felt abundant drinking of water would cure.

You know that when you breath out moisture is expelled from your lungs. (Fogging a mirror.) This adds up to some amount like a pint per day. So, under this line of thinking an 'asthma attack' would be the body triggered by indications of dehydration. The lungs close down as one more way to conserve a scarce resource. The solution would be abundant hydration. (Think I remember one to one and a half gallons per day for a person in rather sedentary conditions.

Seems simple and harmless enough to run a test on.

Welcome to The House by the way.
Make sure you only work with non-smokers...yeah that's gonna be hard in this industry. I have Asthma too and would rather breath chainsaw exhaust fumes than get a lung full of cigarette smoke.

Also concentrate on breathing through your nose only–especially when working hard–as this helps to filter, warm and humidify the air that enters your lungs.
I've had it all my life but recently it's really tapered off... I changed drugs 7 years ago to symbicort which really helped. What do you take?
Hydration. It isn't how much water goes in, its how much comes out, and what color it is.

Because of our general use of a water in bowl toilet (which naturally dilutes urine), or watering a tree (you don't really see the color well), I think that people would be surprised when using a P bottle for the first time, especially first thing in the morning after a day of work. Water flushes our bodies. Hard to get too much. Yes, there is hyponutremia.
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Yea I got it when I was youbg. Went away in highschool then I moved to Austin Texas and it bitch slapped me with a vengance. I don't really take any drugs besides an inhaler and breathing excercises. Got a nose surgery and that helped a ton but i just use albuterol. Cheers for ghe advice you guys are wicked!!:thumbup:
I've had it all my life but recently it's really tapered off... I changed drugs 7 years ago to symbicort which really helped. What do you take?
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My urine is mostly clear but on those hot summer days working 13 hour days its a hard green almost orange color. I think my main problem is all my guys on my crew all smoke all day and smoke in the truck too.
I tell my crew that if it gets to me, they need to put it out. Either they can take a smoke break far away from the work, or I can take a break from them. Deal breaker since when the climber goes home, they go home. Need a short day and short pay? I can make that happen for you scooter. Amazing how it will follow the trunk of the tree right up to the climber.
I want them about 100 feet away from the work. I also have fire danger to consider.
Been climbing, working with asthma for 24 yrs. Years ago got off all meds just albuterol inhaler as needed now. Certain seasons, days or trees seem to only bother it now. Inhaler lasts about six months so I think that is acceptable, anyone else have box elder (Acer negundo) affecting breathing or am I the only one?
Right now it is the damp foggy weather here that we don't normally have this time of year. Soon everything ill be budding and pollinating. Double whammy. Maybe triple with the summer dust factor if this warm trend keeps up.
Breed the black mould on the grasses too.
I've had asthma my whole life and the only home remedy that has made it virtually go away is constant cardio training. I hate running. But when I get into a schedule of a 4 mile run at least every other day, the asthma just goes away. When winter hits and I can't run as much, I find myself back on the meds.
Gotta love that drug free kind of solution!!!!