Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

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Ayuh, twisting my loop runners keeps 'em very tight and tidy on my saddle ready for use. They never hang down or tangle in other gear or limbs. :thumbup:;)
I was just wondering this when I was sitting in the VA earlier. Thought it was my phone not loading treestuff properly. Thanks.
I have a strong dislike for Sherrill and their business practices and now TreeStuff is Sherrill I wont support them either. Sherrill=Greed IMO
I've been climbing on my rw a lot lately. Cmi pulley 10" stiffy, with a michoacan that's been the only hitch combo I climb on now. Love the RW it's way simple should have brought on forever ago.
Climb high, nice tether it looks compact. Have u tried a rope runner I'm getting one soon I hope, just thought u might have some input.
I've been climbing on my rw a lot lately. Cmi pulley 10" stiffy, with a michoacan that's been the only hitch combo I climb on now. Love the RW it's way simple should have brought on forever ago.
Climb high, nice tether it looks compact. Have u tried a rope runner I'm getting one soon I hope, just thought u might have some input.

Thanks, I really like the RW to. For me the RR worked perfect in every way right out of the box. I didn't have to fidget with anything like the HH or RW. It tended flawlessly, always grabbed and released predictably. Well.. that's just plain Boring. Were is the fun in that ? I like to fidget with shit, I am a fidgeter ! Anyway.. I used it primarily on Petzl vector 11mm as per Dave at Wesspur's recommendation and it worked great, I think you will really like it. And that's the Noob review. Oh and one thing ; when you connect your knee ascender make sure its connected to the main tending point or somewhere other than your bridge ring or swivel because it will pull on the lower part of the RR and it won't tend so well.
Have you been climbing on that hitch runner set up?

Yep, its my favorite device. Well.. actually my favorite device is whatever I am climbing on at that moment. Guess I just like being in trees, To bad most of the time its to cut them down.
Thanks Merle. :D. I will keep that in mind. Hope the RR, works good with xtc, can't afford new rope right now, had blaze and my buddy cut it in half at a side job of mine. Lol
Well after some use w improvised knee ascender also have used an ascender above the hitch w footloop. Decided against buying a Knee job. Just ordered a new handled one. Comfortable w system and it's easy to kick out of the loop and stow. Also when I used the Grigri for limbwalks I could drop the tail through a pulley on ascender and leave it about halfway out , coming back was really easy. So it's now CMI ankle , HH , ISC handled w footloop. My , this took awhile...
Actually need the Gibbs for right side safety now which was my above hitch grab. Works pretty smooth. New ISC is supposed to built a little better than say Petzl or Kong , we'll see in a couple of days.
I, Rodden McGowan, living now in Japan, am relatively new to this climbing arborist business. But the first time I saw this fellow, Paul Poynter (British climbing arborist living now in Japan<>), during a rigging demonstration literally zooming around using the Rope Wrench, Valdotain Tresse friction hitch, and Petzel Patin I was impressed and very soon afterwards got the same set-up. It took me about five minutes to discover that it did not work with an 11 mm static rope that I had tried it on and that my dynamic "climbing ropes" (I am a technical climbing mountain guide by vocation (see ) might be too stretchy and delicate for this application so I purchased a Donaghys Cougar rope and things were working well. This summer I added a CAMP Turbo Chest Ascender for my left foot (Petzel Patin on the right), tighten up the chest harness to the DMM Hitch Climber pulley and things got real nice and, dare I say, easy. This posting is not aimed at anything else in this thread other than the general title. I am enjoying doing this new (to me) trick with a rope and a saw in a tree next to a house. My home area is basically a vast tree farm of Larix kaempferi that are in the 50 year age group, generally some sort of 30 metres in height, with a dbh (i.e. diameter at breast height) 30 to 45 centimetres. About 30 years ago weekend homes and small accomodations ("pension" is the local term) started to be inserted into this 'forest'. Now there are some situations that have developed that I get to modify for money.
Welcome to the TreeHouse, Roddy!!! As an AF brat, I lived in Misawa back in the late 60's.

How in the world does an American mountain guide and climbing arborist wind up in Japan?
