Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

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Ray, thanks for your answer. I use a triple attachment pulley with my Hitch Hiker (a practice not endorsed by Paul Cox, the inventor of the Hitch Hiker) and as such I also have the ability to quickly detach my entire system quickly when I wish to, in order to pass it around a nearby branch quickly.

The situation I'm talking about, however, is one in which I might be going for a new tie-in point that might be 15 or 20 feet away from me, and that might often be a relatively narrow crotch. I've had throw bags get jammed into crotches before, unable to be retrieved until later when I could get my body up there. I'd hate to think about getting my whole climbing system hung up like that. It would be cool and slick and save a bunch of time if I were able to pass the whole system over and through every redirect crotch, but I can't help the feeling that trying to do so would end up biting me in the ass bigtime at some point. I think I operate in an inherently more conservative fashion than that.

I just timed myself sitting in the comfort of my dining room, and it took me five full minutes to take the system off rope and then put it back on again. Maybe I'll get faster with practice.

Using DMc's fixed side plate pulley might save a few small steps, but the setup I'm using now keeps by Hitch Hiker biner oriented the way I like it.

I might start brainworking some kind of a shell to go over the whole system, like folks use when they're trying to skid logs with a winch. Something that would be slippery and shaped in a way that would simply prevent it from ever getting hung up in a crotch. What do they call those things, skidding cones? It would be like that, but it would be able to be opened and shut around the system.

Don't laugh, just brainstorming here.

Thanks again for the response, Ray.

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Tail end climb line DdRT up there. I understand the concern for tight crotches, midline knot and clip HH biner into it sometimes works for me, well timed whip and pull.
Thanks for that answer, Peter! I don't know why the "tail-end DdRT" did not occur to me; this is the Hitch Hiker we're talking about here, after all, which is famous for its ability to switch between SRT and DdRT. I guess I've embraced SRT a little too much for my own good!

Thanks for this elegant and simple answer to my issue. It is hugely appreciated!

Peter, I made a tender out of a piece of 1" webbing trimmed and shaped up with a hot knife to seal the edges with holes for the biner melted into it and covered the whole thing with 5200 marine sealant from 3M. I made the holes a little small and along with the rubber in the 5200, it stays in place quite well and keeps the carabiner where it needs to be.

Hmmm, I wonder what would happen if you put that in a vacuum chamber, would it impregnate the webbing? Hmmmm
Steve, if you don't mind my asking, are you having to remove your Hitch Hiker from your climbing line each and everytime you add in a redirect? I realize that sometimes if you're close enough, you might be able to pass the whole system around a branch. Most times for me, however, the whole reason for the redirect is to be able to get to a place that is currently out of reach. Which means completely removing my climbing system from the rope, pulling the rope over a new crotch, and then reattaching the climbing system to the rope.

The main question I have for you is, if you do have to detach and reattach your Hitch Hiker climbing system, how long does it take you?

Thanks in advance for any answer you choose to give.


Very rare I will disassemble the set up for a redirect. I will if I am switching onto another rope I have set or changing the set up for reverse. Changing the tail to the climb set up.
I am often just particular about where I will pull the system through after uncoupling from my bridge. I often use a non-retrievable redirect that is a ring and biner FS. I can also add a revolver biner for a retrievable. More often than not, I just go back to the FS redirect. Planning is key.
Often times the non-retrievable redirect is just for a better angle of tie in for a limb walk or a descent down a vertical limb.
Keep in mind I am also more a switch hitter changing my system from SRT to Ddrt and back and then Ddrt... etc.
I will often just switch over to Ddrt and pull my FS and reset it. Then use SRT as needed.
Hope that helps.
Don't be afraid to mix it up.
I do not sport a pulley under my HH for the record.
Please forgive my ignorance, but what is meant by an Ogre? I don't think I've heard the term used in relation to arb work before. Thanks in advance.

Tim when I said ogre I was referencing Sean's pet name for his boxer mini skid loader. Sorry no arb term

I'm hoping to get some more time on the HH next week. Boss told me I got a few large trims to do. I also have a crane removal coming up soon( oh how I hope) to use it for it's specialty
I've been lucky with being able to get a high suitable PSP with my SRT work so far, I have in my on site bag a small bag with 70ft allgear neolite with pinto, prusik and biners. If Im working I'd just call for it up. Used to use it all the time DdRT, not so much now. Just swing over to a codom, freeclimb with lanyard, loop SRT around stub , go to work.
Very rare I will disassemble the set up for a redirect. I will if I am switching onto another rope I have set or changing the set up for reverse. Changing the tail to the climb set up.
I am often just particular about where I will pull the system through after uncoupling from my bridge. I often use a non-retrievable redirect that is a ring and biner FS. I can also add a revolver biner for a retrievable. More often than not, I just go back to the FS redirect. Planning is key.
Often times the non-retrievable redirect is just for a better angle of tie in for a limb walk or a descent down a vertical limb.
Keep in mind I am also more a switch hitter changing my system from SRT to Ddrt and back and then Ddrt... etc.
I will often just switch over to Ddrt and pull my FS and reset it. Then use SRT as needed.
Hope that helps.
Don't be afraid to mix it up.
I do not sport a pulley under my HH for the record.

Thanks so much for that comprehensive answer, Stephen. It is much appreciated. Apologies if I misspelled your name in my last post.

Tim when I said ogre I was referencing Sean's pet name for his boxer mini skid loader. Sorry no arb term

I'm hoping to get some more time on the HH next week. Boss told me I got a few large trims to do. I also have a crane removal coming up soon( oh how I hope) to use it for it's specialty

Thanks for that, treebilly. I guess I need to check in here more often. Good luck with the crane removal, if it comes to pass. Exciting stuff!

I've been lucky with being able to get a high suitable PSP with my SRT work so far, I have in my on site bag a small bag with 70ft allgear neolite with pinto, prusik and biners. If Im working I'd just call for it up. Used to use it all the time DdRT, not so much now. Just swing over to a codom, freeclimb with lanyard, loop SRT around stub , go to work.

Thanks for this one, Peter. Sounds really slick, saving a lot of time and effort by just getting good at using your SRT system and taking advantage of available limbs. Nice.

First climb, worked really well, stayed put. The webbing was sewn on while the leather was in this U shape. Kinda keeps it from laying flat. As well there is a thin strip of metal inside.
Rare that I take my HH off. I would rather advance it 120'. Faster, and no find tuning.

After weeks on my rope, since my former groundie decided that "please stack the climb line in the bag" means disassemble things he doesn't understand, rather than speak through the comm unit to ask, I started to get a little slide unless I set the cord. I probably need to tighten the hitch cord 1/2".

I like Dave's pulley system. It doesn't lengthen the set up, which is most important on spar work.
After 4 hours in a maple removing limbs overhanging a neighbours house. Pleased and hopefull it will last and keep it's shape. (the tether)
Do some of you tie a different knot than what is instructed for the HH ? I thought it appeared different to me in Grendel's video. Maybe I am mistaken in how it should be tied.
Randy does that knot give you more " sit back" than the official knot? I just looked and I've been tying it wrong. It worked though. Maybe it will tend easier if I tie it right:slam2::slam2: