Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

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Getting back to the strength issue.. I am pretty certain that if you were to experience a 25kn event you would be dead and possibly in two or more pieces.
Getting back to the strength issue.. I am pretty certain that if you were to experience a 25kn event you would be dead and possibly in two or more pieces.

I was mistaken 40kn only applies for TR general use Carabiners.

25 kn would indeed be adequate for TR General use for ascenders and descent control device (when attached with a 40kn biner):

NFPA 1983 (2012) Descent Control Device Performance Requirements:

Escape “E”

3σ MBS of not less than 13.5 kN (3,034 lbf)

Technical Use “T”

3σ MBS of not less than 13.5 kN (3,034 lbf)

General Use “G”

3σ MBS of not less than 22 kN (4,946 lbf)

NFPA 1983 (2012) Rope Grab & Ascending Devices Performance Requirements:

Technical Use “T”

No permanent damage to device or rope at 5 kN (1,124 lbf)

General Use “G”

No permanent damage to device or rope at 11 kN (2,500 lbf)
Anyone use the HH with the new cherrybomb from allgear? I'm thinking I might pick up a 100ft or so when I go to Cutter's choice in London, $1.14/ft...may be I can convince them to give me a little break....
Anyone use the HH with the new cherrybomb from allgear? ...

The thing about the HH is that it will tend to mirror whatever rope and hitch combination you are using. If they are smooth, the HH will be smooth. Allgear ropes work well, but I found that I prefer a larger and softer rope.
I went and purchased just 120ft of the cherry bomb, not a bad price for my area. I'll finish up an eye splice tomorrow and see how it performs. My thoughts are if I'm in a taller or wider spreading tree then I can link my climb lines together to get the length, but in reality I'm thinking my equipment will be far better than my abilities. ;)
The Cherry bomb is a nice offering from Allgear. Didn't flatten out that much, somewhere on par with vortex. Stock beeline on the HH made the prussik feel huge, seemed to need an extra wrap on the new rope, but it worked just as responsive as I'm used to on the vortex.

We'll see how it breaks in.
New tether from wesspur just showed up! A little smaller/ narrower and fits like a glove. Seems like it'll take a lot of slop out of it especially when I use it ddrt. I'll have to double check it but I'm sure it'll fit the hh1 too.
Had a small work climb on the 11.5mm cherry bomb with the HH, in a maple. Took about 5 times loaded up to get the 3/8 beeline to tighten up, no big deal expected that, waiting for some 8mm armourprus from Treestuff. Worked well, kept round, tended real good, grabbed instantly and held no problems, of course it seems a bit small in hand, as expected. Pleased with it but not over the moon as I am with the vortex, still time to change my mind with a smaller hitch cord.
I don't know if I've missed it, but has it been considered to make a HH a bit more narrower for specifically only a 11.5mm rope?
I usually use a webbing neck loop to tend the HH, just for chits and giggles I sewn a neck loop right on my shirt, noticably more comfortable, see how long it will last. IMG_20150617_190508.jpg
Anyone tried out the 8 or 9mm Epicord and Kernmaster with the HH? I just tried both cords with the RW and I swear they tend better than the RR, especially the 9mm epi, grab Every time to.
That would drive me bonkers having that around my neck!

Who's seen the guy on facebook using a dog chest collar/harness? Went to his local pet shop and tried them on, looks just about perfect!
I've seen his chest harnesses on facebook, they look good!
He's recently moved to the UK, so not making them as much now I think?