Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

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Nick, what bout my climbing line looking flat after it runs through the HH. Would you think that is a problem? You ever used the HH with xtc fire?
Lmao....hahahahaha can u use regular sewing twine .lol. or does it have to be some kinda super dupper secret squirrel thread? It's not going to be a life line.
If you can get a hold of some nylon sewing thread, that stuff is strong. I think any of the heavy duty general purpose sewing thread will work.....:thumbup:
that's the stuff to use, but not what most people have sitting on the shelf at home..... :D (I've got two spools for whipping, one red, one gold :thumbupold:)
Thanks, Mark it'll be awhile before i can afford it wife went to e.r. last night but it will work. Does that stuff work on a reg old singer its like the 50$ job from walmart. Im just wondering if i need a special kinda sewing machine?
Your welcome brother. I don't know the answer though. I just got a speedy stitch off Amazon and I believe it will work with that. It's heavy duty stuff and the wax makes it much easier to thread the needle and bond together. So far I have only stiched 2 things one being a purse for the wife and a prusik for my RW tether I made :)
Mark, thanks man ill have to see bout getting one but as far as what i might need to sew nothing im going to do my life won't be on the line . I will try to make the HH tether with the singer sewing do u like the rope wrench? the HH is pretty cool im getting use to it thus far , but imo its better then ddrt atleast for ascents it is hands down but anyway thanks for the tips bro next time im in L.a ill call ya maybe we can get together for a climb or something.
Mark, thanks man ill have to see bout getting one but as far as what i might need to sew nothing im going to do my life won't be on the line . I will try to make the HH tether with the singer sewing do u like the rope wrench? the HH is pretty cool im getting use to it thus far , but imo its better then ddrt atleast for ascents it is hands down but anyway thanks for the tips bro next time im in L.a ill call ya maybe we can get together for a climb or something.

For long climbs when getting deadwood, light pruning, or working multiple trees it's great. It is a great tool to have when going around multiple branches and not worrying about resetting the TIP. It kinda gets in the way while ascending since it is a bit bulky. I think this is where the HH has it's advantage as it is more compact. Also the fact it is easy to switch over from Srt to Ddrt. Then again you can set it up where the RW can detach and use the HC set up which is really fast and efficient while working the crown. I am still a novice at Srt though so I am sure there is plenty room for improvement. If you are ever down here PM me and we can go on a rec climb together!
Nick(or anyone else that wants to jump in),
how do you keep your hitch cord clean? What do you clean it with? :?
I've had pine pitch in mine a few times now and I've used Pine Sol to clean it out, seems to work pretty
good. Is there something better/different to use? Should I be using that to clean my cord? :?
Doesn't seem to bother it, just wonderin'..... :)

Thanks! ;)

P.S. I do love that HRC cord, really good stuff! :thumbright:
I dont know about the cleaning stuff, I just wear the crap off... Dont really like the Hrc, have one of my HHs set up with it and some worn Buzzz line and really don't like it, doesnt release or hold well. This shit has so many variables that there is no short cut, just buy a ton of cordage and figure out what works best for you. I found that 10mm beeline worked best with most climbing lines!!
ive been trying out the hrc and find that it works really well for me with 6 wraps on poison ivy/blue moon. i almost never untie my HH anymore, i just pull it off the end of the rope and then feed the rope back through at go time.