Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

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i hear you bonner, just the srt with base tie and multiple branches looks way safer then isolating a single branch for drt... i acsesed the tree yesterday using a running bowline and the branch was bout 4 inches in diameter what is a rule of thumb for the size of the branch . i think that is what gets in my head on ascending is weather the branch will hold or not im sure that is a commen conception for someone just starting out thought...i like to climb these southern yellow pines we have here i also call them bull pines from your experiance would be helpfull
4 inches wouldn't bother me a bit. Always bounce test before you start climbing. If you're even a little unsure have another guy get on the line and bounce together.

Always look for defects going up to your tie in point.. excessive dead limbs, included bark, etc.
species empress tree, with soft, light, quick growing wood, is going to need a bigger TIP than Doug-fir. If I choke, I like to get it around the main stem, rather than one limb.

Bounce testing the TIP with two people is a pretty sure fire way.

Binoculars can come in handy.

I had a branch collar SRT redirect on an index finger-sized western red cedar branch with a base-tie, which held bounce testing with about 160' of rope in the system. It was a foot over a co-dominant main stem crotch, which would have caught me if the finger-sized stem broke. I only found this out after ascending up and seeing it up close. The moral of the story is bounce testing is good, arbitrary rules not so reassuring. Just be sure to be able to clear out of the dropzone if you bounce test a branch right off the trunk.
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  • #56
Had a very similar experience as Southsound. I used the Big Shot to shoot up about 65' on a nice size pine limb. I started to get the binoculars then looked at it briefly and changed mu mind thinking it's good. I didn't realize it until I was done. The lighting was just where I could now see my line was only hanging on what was left of a branch that was 1 1/2" long and 2" around! This nub was about 1' above the branch I was aiming for. So it was ok this time but made me realize how easy it is to overlook. If you don't have binoculars you can use a camera with a good zoom lens 25x or better you can look through the LCD. If it is too bright take a few photos using auto focus then go in a shady spot to look at it. Just food for thought
well ty for all the advice first off.....and yea i bounce check i dont no i guess its just cuase im new to this is y im paranoid ....but all that sounds good i do need to get a pair of bino's and glass the branch before i climb that way i dont get so paranoid...and ty to southsound and adam.p and climbmit for the advice...i ordered the HH today and a cmi foot ascender i hate i mean hate when the pantin kicks off...and for now climbmit i will use my wife's camera i got her a canon reble for mday last year its pretty nice i no it zooms in real good so that may work for now ty for that tidbit....
yea i have tried them all like the shabisch way better then any of them....ty for the reply...
well ty for all the advice first off.....and yea i bounce check i dont no i guess its just cuase im new to this is y im paranoid ....but all that sounds good i do need to get a pair of bino's and glass the branch before i climb that way i dont get so paranoid...and ty to southsound and adam.p and climbmit for the advice...i ordered the HH today and a cmi foot ascender i hate i mean hate when the pantin kicks off...and for now climbmit i will use my wife's camera i got her a canon reble for mday last year its pretty nice i no it zooms in real good so that may work for now ty for that tidbit....

You can always put a 'biner on your pantin after you get it on the rope, then it's "locked on" and can't come off 'til you take it off. :thumbupold:
i do but its still a pain imho i think the cmi is build way way better and for another its build in usa...
i have the new 2013 pantin there isnt a hole like the older ones so i used a #21 drill bit i think it was and kinda judged it for a beener then drilled it .....
I definitely need to improve my technique with the pantin.
At times it seems like I've "got it", I'll stop paying attention for a second and it'll pop off. :slam2:
I do like it though. It's a great piece of gear. :thumbup:
Don't forget about the CT foot ascender. Similar in size to the pantin and you can lock it on the line.

I don't have a problem with my pantin kicking off. I keep it tipped back slightly on my ankle and my foot flat. Try that for a bit until it becomes muscle memory.
well if i had skills like u kev im sure i would like the once that kick off to right now its annoying...ashell
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  • #73
Thanks to Nick I have my handy dandy speedy stitcher from Amazon. I will soon be using to permanently stitch the Pantin straps so they don't loosen while climbing. That is what I don't like about the Pantin (older version) For long ascents insert biner. Short ascents no biner unless going around branches.
Well i did order a cmi from treestuff. So, i guess i will just have to see which one i like more. But just from thinking bout it and listening from all your good and valid comments. I think there both going to have pros and cons...