Your legs are much more powerful and durable for getting up the rope with a rope walker system. The handled ascender is a help. You have the double-grip ascender in your avatar, same as Stephen/ CursedVoyce has, I believe.
If you're using a TIP that fails, and you drop with an ascender over your hitch, you can rip your sheath with the toothed ascender. You're HH won't rip the sheath in the same way, as its hitch cord and friction bars (dogbone and biner against the HH spine). Let go of the handled ascender. If you foot ascender rips your sheath below your HH, oh well. If it rips above your HH, oh shit. You may well know this danger already, but just in case.
I've was using a DdRt system for a bunch of 30' climbs. Way harder climbing on my body pulling in and tending slack old school. I could feel the extra work on my traps for sure. SRT with a leg ascender is the least work, short of a wraptor, for me. I would consider a chest roller for big ascents.
I've been trying some of Dave McN's rope walker details, lately, trying to fine tune.
If you're using a TIP that fails, and you drop with an ascender over your hitch, you can rip your sheath with the toothed ascender. You're HH won't rip the sheath in the same way, as its hitch cord and friction bars (dogbone and biner against the HH spine). Let go of the handled ascender. If you foot ascender rips your sheath below your HH, oh well. If it rips above your HH, oh shit. You may well know this danger already, but just in case.
I've was using a DdRt system for a bunch of 30' climbs. Way harder climbing on my body pulling in and tending slack old school. I could feel the extra work on my traps for sure. SRT with a leg ascender is the least work, short of a wraptor, for me. I would consider a chest roller for big ascents.
I've been trying some of Dave McN's rope walker details, lately, trying to fine tune.