Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

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i know you can't fit a normal revolver through there but could you fit a wire gate revolver through the bat plate ? that would give the best of both worlds.
Wire gate revolver works well with the plate but it does not tend like a pinto.
i don't have a tether on mine for advancing I wonder if that makes a difference?

Yea clipping into a tether does make a world of a difference and gives almost no setback when advancing. If you use the pulley you can just clip into the bridge ring with the same effect but you'll still need a corner trap or tether to stop the biner from rotating sideways
I'm using a bat plate, haven't tried clipping to it to tend.....yet. I definitely will next time out. Very curious to try it and see how it works. :D
Don't be chickens, y'all...bend up or grind up a pulley or whatever to fit your needs.

I used to be shy of modding gear in any aggressive way, but DMc's example and active encouragement gave me courage to go ahead with it. Not as well as he has done, but better than I'd have done without his help. Do it!
Yup, a biner just seems to sit at the right place to increase the bend radius.
I'm using Tachyon at the moment and so far have not needed to use the biner, it one hands pretty well on its own. Maybe the smaller diameter rope?

I like that bat plate, solves the ring getting crowded.

Gawd, there is a crow outside that has been squwaking since 6am! Flipping thing won't shut up! I can't see what the problem is either...noisy bugger.
Just noticed my hh is starting to rust on the bolts and dog bone, along with tiny paint bubbles that scrape off with my nail. Anyone have rust issues like this?
Bound to happen with steel and outdoor use. Would have been a good application for stainless steel, but of course the price would have to go up a few $.
Not here...not to say it couldn't or wouldn't.

A thought. I'll tell you, from personal experience, it's amazing how corrosive human sweat can be. A bunch of us USFS climbers experienced very rapid stainless steel grommet failures in helmet harnesses, a couple of decades back...might this be a contributing factor, perhaps? A regular freshwater rinse can do wonders, if this is the cause.
stainless would have saved us a bunch but isn't anywhere near hard enough. HH are made of 4140 prehardened steel , prescision ground to 0.125". It is very expensive and really hard on tooling. However it has a high chromion content so you will only get light surface . I wouldn't worry too much same will happen to your biners. The screws are a steel alloy for strength, maybe could have gone with stainless there but I like strong..........
I have this upside down problem...took my HH to use in Bermuda and sometimes I forget to put it on the right way...


  • Fiona upside down.jpg
    Fiona upside down.jpg
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Thanks for the replies, I will clean up and continue on!
Also I never considered sweat being corrosive but I'll be sure to pay attention to that as well.

I found the original hh thread and read all 72 pages! Geez! It was cool seeing how it went from prototype to production and I get the use of 4140 now.

Has anyone revisited the 4-2 distel?
Nhlocal anything to add on the coopers?

I think I'm at a piont where I'd like to try other hitches just to compare performance. I get on great with the 6-7 wrap hitch but seems like no matter what cord I try or how tight/loose I make it it gets real tight on descent and I have to muscle it down while trying not to burn my fingers.
Back to my original question real quick- is the dog bone the same 4140 material? Painted the same? A little shot of pb blaster quickly stripped all paint off my dog bone but had no effect on the hh body?
What rope are you using, Joe? I have tried lots of hitch configurations and keep coming back to the HH hitch. For me 8 mm Armor-Prus on Vortex is very forgiving and smooth.
I've been on bluemoon until yesterday when I found a damaged spot in it but I'll keep it as a short line. Probably go back to same or similar. I tried 8mm AP on it with similar results but to be fair it's still a new cord and maybe needs some break in time? With 7 wraps it wants to break down to 6 wraps 1 braid. Nick bonner did this with hrc, but my hrc never did.
Definitely depends on what rope I'm climbing. HH hitch with HRC on NE Dragonfly. Teufelberger Platinum 11.5mm gives me more problems, but a distel hitch works well on it.