Okie dokie...might need to give it a whirl, bro. Thanks for the feedback.
Burnham, I'm sure no expert so I rely on picking up as much information from people like you
and David who understand more about climbing and tree work than I ever will. I take in as much
as I possibly can and apply it to the best of my ability to improve how I climb and do tree work.
If I find something that helps me improve that I haven't seen or heard about I don't hesitate to
pass it along so it might help someone else.

I know I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again, this is one of the great things about the TreeHouse,
so many people with so much knowledge and experience and willing to share it/pass it on to others. I love that.

I don't have anyone here to help teach me so you all are like my climbing partners/teachers, THANKS!!!