Any Rope Wrench or Hitch Hiker users here?

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HH is my 'go to' now when looking at a job.
I did some housekeeping yesterday, sitting in the sun on the back porch. I made my foot loop removable from the basic with a clip. made my bungee with two proper clips, shortened the tether on the takes a few climbs to figure out what's going to work best.
HH is my 'go to' now when looking at a job.
I did some housekeeping yesterday, sitting in the sun on the back porch. I made my foot loop removable from the basic with a clip. made my bungee with two proper clips, shortened the tether on the takes a few climbs to figure out what's going to work best.

it does take "a few" climbs to get it how it works best for you. The more you climb with it, the more ways you'll find to customize it to work best for your climbing style. I always enjoy hearing people talk about how these "little things" make their tree work so much easier, I'm always learnin' new stuff! :thumbup:;)

Thanks Bermy. :D
No... Never wrenched but have used an F8 system. Most of my climbing was SRT ascent and change over to Ddrt. Occasionally I would just F8 the SRT and work the tree that way.
Yeh, have no doubts...I did, I couldn't visualize what everyone was talking about,...then I got one and actually tried it, Doubts are gone.

I've been using a super basic SRT base tie/ emergency lowering system. A short piece of climbline RB'd onto the tree with an HMS biner attached, as you like, and a Munter hitch/ mule knot/ overhand tie-off to attach my climbline to the base anchor. No cutting, one piece of hardware, compact, strong enough for 2 climbers.
I've been base tieing with the very end of my rope, steel biner clipped around the up leg. I put a b'fly knot above the biner, tie in my rescue line which is on a fig 8 on another tree nearby, sort of modified the one Nick and Dave showed, one cut with little rope loss or unclip the biner.
I set it up because my groundie hubby is not a climber...

I need a new rope, looking at Vortex...its a bit wierd felling my XTC go sort of flat and then being stiff when I take it all down...anyway the XTC is a bit nicked in an inconvienient spot.

I still feel very cautious when I find myself ascending 'free' in the middle of a tree on one leg of rope, no branches or trunks to put a lanyard around, breathing rate increases somewhat...I had to go way to my TIP up yesterday to retrieve a throwbag which I got stuck in a little snag...

All the housekeeping I did on the ropewalker bits paid off yesterday, knee ascender is dialed in nice now.
Makes a big difference when your "system" is working well, saves a lot of time and energy.
Makes the "work" very enjoyable(for me anyway;)). :D
It's about to get real...
Might try it on a TD Thursday... But.. You know what they say about trying to make production with a new widget.
Tempting because I have some low prep work to do before it gets diced and sliced... Then it has quite the spread over targets.
Hmmmm. Blue moon comes tomorrow probably... Dunno...
I had to switch up my schedule some as Lilly spiked a fever.. So no day care tomorrow as was planned. IMG_0653.jpg
As tempting as I'm sure it is the "prudent course of action" would be a practice climb or two.
I would just hate to hear of you gettin' all "banged up" using unfamiliar gear for workin'..... ;)
Lookin' forward to your "updates". :thumbup::)
True dat.

It ain't a hard sytem to work into, and you're not starting at knowing nothing of SRT work positioning, but still...I like Randy's advice.
Me 2.. If I get back from Fresno early with the wheel motor for the Dingo, I might go play in the back yard for a bit :D
Low and slow ... As you said though.. It will come natural as I have been playing with SRT for quite some time now.
I just got one as a loaner from a friend and now he is giving it to me since I am helping learn climb. I have a few climbs with it and I am very impressed. Like everyone says zero sit back once you fine tune. I have 5 wraps on mine only because I am using Vortex with a bit of sap on it. I need to make the tether for the carabiner and when I have time finally try my frog walker set up with Pantin, bungee, and knee ascender. Excellent tool! Thanks to Paul Cox.
Our Mr. Cox is the effin' bomb. Been saying similar since the earliest days of the Wraptor development, and proud to have been able to help a tiny bit with that. The boy needs about a million in investment monies to Ropetek so he can quit the daily grind and really turn his attentions to his genius at product creation, and if I had it I'd do that with no qualms.

If I suggest IPO to Paul, he gets confused...what can ya do???