Yes guys, all what you said makes sense, glad to know I'm, not the only one who's experienced this! Another thing going up SRT when your up rope passes close to a branch I would have been out, up and over WAY quicker on Drt...didn't like being all smooshed up next to the trunk on one rope. Beginner trials I suppose.
Friday I climed a euc in a bit of breeze, SRT, my down rope was very close to my up rope, it kind of gave me the weeblies, looking down at it and realizing only my weight on the other side is keeping me up there...
I got up to a nice fork and switched over to Drt. Several things were playing on my mind, breeze, slippy smooth euc and there was a lot of deadwood and ants running up and down all over the tree, plus that sweet/rotten smell of bacteria and weepy bits on the trunk.
I was much more comfortable moving around on tried and true Drt for most of it,
After a lunch break we had a 15' branch to remove over a shed, and SRT came back into play, I was able to route my rope to drop me right over the removal branch...went up to it fine, climbing through mid air, very nice!
Set up the basic/ revolver for the out and back to set the rigging. So it seems it has its place, and climbing iffy trees is not the place to try a new system!!