ps: just for contention sake, my views on Mycor are that for the most part, it is snake oil.
I do not agree.
ps: just for contention sake, my views on Mycor are that for the most part, it is snake oil.
Glad you asked, I still can't see what he's on about.
Do lawns in California fix nitrogen in some way or is it an insinuation to fertilizers being used on the lawn? And if so, do you think the issue is with inorganic fert or just all high N fert?
I was just fooling around. I think frans is talking about excessive nitrogen being used on lawns having a negative effect on trees. Excessive potassium can also have negative effects.
Is there a way to look back after and see if the mycorrhizal fungus "took?"
As for the Mycor, again it is situational. But overall remember that NO PLANT CAN GROW WITHOUT IT.
uhhh cause its true?
Please prove me wrong stumper....
I think you guys are being unfriendly. All I am trying to do is learn. Whats the big deal?
Unwilling to school me?
See my thread 'Mycor'
As I understand it (pardon if this is elemental to some), Mycorrhizae are a beneficial fungi that have a symbiotic relationship with tree roots. That means that each party benefits...
The myco benefit because they feed on roots & therefore have a host in which to feed on ; they're happy.
The trees' response to this fungi feeding on their roots is to produce more hair roots >>> a goodness. Thus, the term symbiotic >>> it means that both parties benefit.
Good enough.
Do trees need Mycorrizae fungus ? Not any more that you or I need the common cold floating around to build our immunity. But it sure friggin' helps, no ???
Myco is not snake oil. For Crissakes,
Jumping in the middle hereMy understanding of the relationship betwix roots and mycor. is that roots are unable on their own to uptake nutrients.
They require this 'agent' Mycor., to enable the roots to uptake nutrients.
Without Mycor, trees cannot survive.
I say 'snake oil' because each and every tree (with the exception of some kind of weird plant(s) from Australia), has this fungus present.
Sure some soils are deficient, but the majority of stressed and declining trees are deficient because of other factors unrelated to Mycor.
All the studies I have read point to new plantings or plantings within greenhouses where the soil is sterile.
Am I incorrect?
What is that crazy shirt he's wearing? Air guitar with a tree? LOL!
Bingo. And Frans, there are also studies on using the packaged stuff on mature trees by Bartlett and independent could go out and collect some forest soil and incorporate that into your planting
I am not understanding how the GCRS removes one groundman from the picture any more so than the use of a regular porty?This is because with using the GRCS, I am now able to have just one person working the ropes and keeping the landing zone clear.
Every tree is a two (2) man tree. One (1) man in the tree (me) and one (1) man working the ropes and staging the brush.