No Deva, next time I see Frans it won't be a hugfest, but I will shake his hand and wish him well. If he wants to turn off his processor and labor under delusions like the 1/3 rule guiding the arboricultural universe, well, he's got company.
ahhh shucks thanks
Treelooker, are you sure you have the right person? First you mentioned me being a dealer for the grcs, and now you say I adhere to the 1/3 rule of removing material from a living tree?
You got the wrong guy friend.
My stance on pruning is, their are no absolutes.
Each species of tree is unique, and each tree is in a unique stage of development which effects it's health, and the amount of material which can safely be removed.
I would say maybe 20 years ago I would have removed 1/3 of the canopy of a tree, but that is 20 year old techniques. Not what I do today by any means.
To give you an idea of what my philosophy in regards to my business practives is, I dont have picture of a chainsaw or bulldozer or crane in my biz logo.
I have a hand holding a tree:
ps: just for contention sake, my views on Mycor are that for the most part, it is snake oil. I focus on compost teas, azomite rock powder, sea kelp and a host of other things to mix up a cocktail and apply with my soil injector. I take soil tests fairly often.
My experiance is that urban trees in decline (with exceptions, remember my 'no absolutes' rule?), suffer from things like soil compaction, grade changes, excessive Nitrogen, and other environmental changes far more than the soil being so sterile that a tree cannot grow at all. After all, the tree would not even be there without Mycor. right?