alternatives in land use

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The guy says, "we are giving out billions of dollars of farm subsidies every year, instead of giving it to wall street interests who are not even farmers we should give it to real Farmers and Ranchers like Jim." and Jim is like "nah, we should just buy local." I just can't wrap my head around it.
And from that you extrapolate that I promote using ethanol in my chainsaws? I'm tired of repeating myself. I really need to stay the frig out of the political forum here. Liberalism is a disease and I don't want to expose myself to it any more than absolutely necessary.
this is one of those issues that has no bearing on conservative or liberal as far as I see it. you don't seem supportive of changing a system that forces ethanol into your chainsaws so how should I interpret that?
you seem to have opposition to this guys ideas. they seem reasonable suggestions that will never get anywhere as they don't really fit into the current top down system. How do you change current legislation without legislation? These proposals seem like they are taylor made for your situation Jim. What is your opposition other than the idea comes from a legislator in congress? how did these proposals get to him? do you not believe that there are a lot of people on the ground trying to figure out how to fix a system skewed to benefit wall street and super farms. how is a ground up change supposed to happen?

This post makes sense to me. And I would think the legislation would help the Buy Local concept.
This post makes sense to me. And I would think the legislation would help the Buy Local concept.

I am not going to wait for the govt to make things better.......

The markets exist right now...everywhere. So what will this legislation accomplish?

Are people waiting to be forced to buy local and support sustainable farms? Oh, gee....we wont do it until we are forced or have no other option?

If the govt fixes it so that people have to compete for scarce and expensive resources is everyone going to be happy?

Whats it going to look like if everything goes organic and free range tomorrow?

Ethanol really bugging you? Battery eggs? Livestock confinement? How about low prices?

This "sustainability" problem does not get fixed by gets fixed by the consumers.

Heaven forbid people pay more for food.....essentially because there will be plenty of supply come out of Brazil to fill the gap.

If you, the consumer want sustainable food, small farms, and more people on the land then all you have to do is buy local.

Its that easy.
Who GAF what this supposed "corporation" receives?

If you wont support small, sustainable operations now, why should I believe that some bicycle lapel pin wearing jackleg from Oregon is going to save me?

Dont wait for legislation. Do the right thing now Kevin. My ass.......
i am not waiting for this legislation as its not going to happen. People are content with paying tax dollars to mega farms to produce fuel. If your happy with that than cool.
Currently I have no choice but to buy iowa corn in my gas that I pay for twice. once with my taxes and the second time at the pump. I suppose there is some local michigan corn in there too, so thats good at least.
Passive aggressive much?

Yeah, I really, really love the big outfits getting the money.

I guess we will not worry about where the rest of the money is going? No?

Oooooohhhhh.....mega farms.........big meanies.

Ever wonder why there are mega farms? Ever wonder why there is ethanol production?

Give me a flipping break.

Farmers produce what people will buy. If people wont buy it, it wont get produced.

Worry not what your neighbor has.
I am not going to wait for the govt to make things better.......

The markets exist right now...everywhere. So what will this legislation accomplish?

Are people waiting to be forced to buy local and support sustainable farms? Oh, gee....we wont do it until we are forced or have no other option?

If the govt fixes it so that people have to compete for scarce and expensive resources is everyone going to be happy?

Whats it going to look like if everything goes organic and free range tomorrow?

Ethanol really bugging you? Battery eggs? Livestock confinement? How about low prices?

This "sustainability" problem does not get fixed by gets fixed by the consumers.

Heaven forbid people pay more for food.....essentially because there will be plenty of supply come out of Brazil to fill the gap.

If you, the consumer want sustainable food, small farms, and more people on the land then all you have to do is buy local.

Its that easy.
did you read the proposed bill? it appears to me that you looked at the guys picture and his goofy bow tie and the D beside his name and automatically discounted it as government overreach when the meat of the bill is trying to hinder government overreach. One of the reason we have huge megafarms is that the government has over reached, intervened, and made that model more profitable. there are big pockets being filled by our tax dollars for farm policy that doesn't make any sense whatsoever in a true free market. the scales have been tilted excessively. you can try to compete with that on a buy local level and a lot of people are doing that with some success but the scales are tilted quite deliberatly against that model working.
Yes, I read it. Did you? It appears to me that the D next to his name means that this has to be a great idea?

So, just to be sure....the solution to govt intervention is more govt intervention?

We struggle with crop insurance, and this bill would appear to help that end.

The rest is a lot of bunk. I dont think that applying a "net neutrality" frame of mind to our food supply is a good idea. That is everyone has to travel the same speed, no matter the capabilities.

The big outfits produce big numbers. I dont see a need to frig those guys up and slow them down to my pace.
Yes, I read it. Did you? It appears to me that the D next to his name means that this has to be a great idea?

So, just to be sure....the solution to govt intervention is more govt intervention?

outside of outright revolution I don't see another option.
I jave absolutely no problem sticking it to the big guys sucking off the government rot growing food for fuel. there was a lot of D's behind that boondoggle and its always been a terrible idea. the Europeans are all on the food for fuel train as well. This is where I am completely on your and DMC's side when it comes to the global warming folks. From a common sense perspective it makes no sense.

isnt the big joke about crop insurance is that you get paid to not grow wheat so you can buy more land to not grow more wheat on? I realize thats an oversimplification but there is a government incentive to scale it all up which I think is detrimental.