Sorry Cory, I did not see your post.
Basically, we are doing what we want, and saying to hell with the insurance, well, sorta.
We are still required to carry Federal Crop because we have a mortgage. Not so much that it protects us as it protects the bank.
Federal Crop is really a big deal, and farmers work very hard to keep their yields up so that they have good coverage and low premiums. Same sorta idea as auto insurance. You try and drive safely so that your coverage stays high and your premiums stay low.
In order to keep everyone happy you have to fallow half your ground every year. In fact, they just shit canned a rule that allowed you to have a cover crop in the ground, but terminated by sometime in June....all the while keeping your "fallow" status. That is now a thing of the past, no cover crop, no matter when it is killed is allowed while being able to stay away from "re crop".
Once you get into the re-crop category your premiums at least double, while your coverage drops in half.
That may not seem like a big deal, but once you are in "re-crop" you cant even cover your expenses with crop insurance.
That means the 550,000 dollars we borrow to farm each year can not be covered with insurance if you have a disaster.......which was what happened to us last year.
So, you can farm "safely" and keep your yields high, and your profits in the red....and go broke. Or you can outlaw farm like us and have lower yields, initially anyway, but HOPE for profits.....and go broke!
We are effectively off the reservation now. No safety net, make it or break it time.
Thats why I think it is so hard for people to make the changes, they just dont have any support. And when you can lose everything with one good wreck, that support really helps you sleep at night.
I was not willing to farm the "proper" way any more. I was not willing to triple my fertilizer rates, fallow half my farm, buy bigger machinery, farm more acres, buy more chemical, keep fighting salinity, erosion, and fertility issues any longer.
I am an outlaw farmer now.