No clairvoyance brother. Just decades of experience. I was brought up not to wear all that stuff so I can hear, see, and feel what I'm doing, and choose to work that way. I am a better treeman without it, and its been serving me well for a long time. I appreciate that some guys are freaked out about my lack of PPE. I have seen my fair share of guys get messed up wearing plenty of PPE, and know plenty of guys who choose not do wear PPE who are fine. Each to his own.
I don't recall " Freaking out".
Takes a lot more than a faller in a cloth cap to freak me out.
Post some pictures of yourself topping a spar buck naked and I might freak a bit.
( There was a Danish radio station that ran a thing where different companies could offer to do something and people could bid on it.
The money was then used for charity.
This Copenhagen based ( Read: Big city hipster arbos) company offered to do a job without wearing shirts, so the lil' wimmen could get a thrill out of admiring their sixpacks.
I almost bid on it, just for the fun of sending them up an ivy covered Black Locust.
Any way, We are clearly on different wavelengths, Rico.
Like you say: " Each to his own" so we'll just forget about it from here on.
Just so you know, I'm not exactly a newbie myself.
40 years of busheling should count for something, even if it wasn't in the PNW
Seen my share of folks messed up,too, PPE or not.
That pretty much goes with the job. Had a few close calls myself, the closest being a fractured spine.