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    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Those things are not fuel efficient. if I had sold the business one of my projects would have been to make a wood proscesor. I was hoping to make a fuel efficient system to put large brush into and produce a fuel quality product that could easily be dried and loaded with loaders

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I second the sweet trailer sentiment. Around here we have to pay to dump brush so a chipper is a must.

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    to my knowledge you are correct on that. Not always possible though

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    No basement on this house. I do set up close to houses with them though and am always nervous about it

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Very tight setup. One of those that I THOUGHT I could do but wasn’t 100%

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    This was our target for today. Good sized tree with lots of decay.

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    good on you for taking the step over to the dark side of tree work. There is no easier way to totally eliminate a tree......

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Snow here today so I decided to burn a big fire. think I might have backed the grapple truck a little too close to load it

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    hecka back lean on that maple. Would have had me all puckered up especially in the cold....
  10. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    sometimes we have to get creative to get the job done....
  11. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    The things tree guys will do to get out of work!, I too love it when a plan comes together
  12. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    It’s probably better than flapping your arms on the way down
  13. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Notice it doesn’t have a backup so he is using the handled ascender as one
  14. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Not a Wraptor , it’s an $8500 Act Safe
  15. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Nice work Jedi! I wish I could get some of that enthusiasm back for trees
  16. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I like vids with strippers more though....
  17. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    It isn’t 100% legal here either.. just have to be out of sight and not get caught
  18. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    For some perspective on scale most our logs are cut to 19’ as the grapple truck is 20’
  19. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Drives me crazy. The county I live in has turned down 2 companies that wanted to build a biomass plant here. The only other option here is to pay $55 a ton at a “recycling “ place. I pay to dump my chips! What a frigging joke
  20. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Hard to get a scale on this picture but the pit is about 20’ deep. Lotta wasted energy here.