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    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Minimal ?? Please expand for my curiosity I am a firm believer that you have to get back out there as soon as possible and just by the virtue that you are moving forces the body to heal. That and the fact I’m the only one that can run the crane😜

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Arm isnt super useful however I am able to palm the swing lever in my left/damaged hand so am able to operate the crane.

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Back at it ……

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    nice ! love getting it done with what you got!

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    unbielivably no broken bones

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I was laying on top of boom when it got crushed and yelled at groundy to pull the jib the other way and there was instant flow of blood. I covered it with other hand and just knew I had to get down from 12' to ground before I passed out and fell. Never did pass out . kinda freaky that I didnt...

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Wow 29 tons. No slouch there healing up fast 😔

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    What happened?? Me being a total jackass. We were swinging the jib on the crane and dont ask me how but I managed to get my upper arm between the ears of the jib and the tang on the boom. Severe crushing injury. When the ambulance picked me up I had no pulse in that arm !! 5 hours of surgery...

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Well my day sucked balls
  10. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Ruel funny thing is I didnt notice the toilet seat till I looked at the pictures afterwards. Whenever Im in a customers house I keep my eyes down, Feel weird indoors for some reason
  11. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Today’s fun. Storm blew through last night and dumped this on a car and house.
  12. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yup jib plus stinger = additional 45’ offset to 32# for maximum reach of 110’. We are only good for 1000# at that radius it was a beautiful tree but had dropped 2 huge limbs in the last few months on the house
  13. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Where my climber is , is 110’ from pin. We cut and hung the limb so we could crane it out. Real feel was over 100 so we quit at 2 and will finish the wood tomorrow
  14. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Big pig today. Another job where our crane was the only one in town that could access it. Elm had 7 cables and lightning protection.
  15. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I lived in a cabin that had a 6' black snake in the boiler room. Never saw a mouse. EVER Love the hammer and crunch Jedi
  16. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yup that’s my specialty Yellow cables for high vis
  17. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Today’s tree
  18. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Is that what Meth does? I lost one hell of a good crew member to Meth. Never understood it I guess because I have never done it. Waste of a good dude
  19. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Here’s the stump of the one we set up next too
  20. PCTREE

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Bunch of big uglies in this yard This one failed and is propped up by white oak