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  1. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Not much. Push ups now and again. Pick up dumbbells occasionally. I generally get my exercise in at work.
  2. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Yes I know it, but thanks for the reminder! I have to constantly remind myself. Oh, and yes, I am rather out of shape. I’m currently working a day, resting a day, trying to work back into it easily. Only had three non-climbing jobs and they’re now gone. So I’ll be climbing next week for sure, if...
  3. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Entire right arm is very weak from seven weeks of non-use. I have to be careful not to break it loose again. Hurts from base of neck to bottom rib on that side. I can reach above my head, but my right lat is very tight from not having lifted my arm for seven weeks, and my right trap feels like...
  4. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Fourth day of work since the collarbone break. Had a row of oaks and sweet gums to rig and cut along a customer’s driveway. Biggest red oak was heavy toward the house with nowhere to throw it due to trees behind it, so I had to climb it and limb/top it down. I’m whooped and feel like I’ve been...
  5. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Haha! I meant it’d keep them away from Jim’s farm more specifically. Gotta think, if the fools would eat some bacon or ham or a pork chop...they might not consider suicide bombing such a good idea!
  6. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    It’ll help keep the mooselimbs away!
  7. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Lit my burn pile at several points. It’s trying to burn. Climbed a water oak by my shop that I’ve decided to take down. Cut two main limbs off and part of a third. I’m terribly slow but it felt good to be up a tree again. Hopefully I’ll be back in decent climbing shape in a couple of weeks.
  8. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Thanks for pointing that out, Brian! I have been careful the last seven weeks as to the food kind of way. Only put on two pounds!
  9. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Climbed back on the tractor today and bush hogged for over an hour. Then fired up the MS250 and cut a bit of firewood being very careful with the right arm. I’m sore but in a good kind of way!
  10. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Why would anyone lose their Cheerios over someone shooting a bird?😳 I shoot crows. I don’t eat them, but they eat crops, and have this horrible habit of lighting in trees in/around the yard and showing off their vocal abilities...or lack thereof...
  11. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Watched a YouTube vid a while back of a farmer killing magpies and the snowflakes were having a fit in the comments.
  12. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Bush hogging. Went under a bowed-over water oak, expecting it to sweep over the ROPS. Didn’t realize the tips were going to be under the tractor tire on the far side. It essentially rode the tree right down across me.
  13. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    First day back at work in seven weeks! Ground a handful of stumps. Would have been done in 2.5 hours...but the Carlton decided to lay down and take a nap. Grinding on sidling ground. I was being careful to keep the cutter head uphill while moving...until the time I forgot. Ran a line to the...
  14. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    I used one several times from the bucket with the bucket fully extended and the pole saw fully extended as well. About as fun as swallowing pines cones with buttermilk.
  15. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Mercy, Kyle! As ingenious as you are and you ask that? 😝
  16. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    More therapy today. Sissy push-ups and pull-ups. Stretching. More stretching. I can finally raise my right arm above my head.
  17. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Poured an octagon where we used to have a circle of slag for our fire pit. Dyed/stamped/grooved.
  18. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Got out yesterday and set the poles around our octagon. Going to string lights around it. My dad brought his tractor and auger over and dig the holes. I stopped him a little shy on several so we had to dig them a bit deeper. I would use my left hand to plunge six or eight times, then met my wife...
  19. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    Got a happy in the mail today...thanks Austin! Amazing how much can be written about a tool that is now (to many), obsolete.
  20. treesmith

    How'd it go today?

    What shotgun do you shoot with now, Stephen? I know lots of skeeters use O/Us. Don’t know many that use SxS around here.