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  1. Page

    White oak down

    Sad day. Last night my brother’s 400+ year old white oak snapped and blew over in a storm. It has been in decline for awhile. We have treated and fed it but clearly it’s been rotting on the inside for quite some time
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    Burn barrel

    I asked my buddy if he had an extra burn barrel. He makes me this thing. Burn barre/grill/smoker/sap cooker/forge
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    Gantry crane

    I couldn’t find my old post about this so here’s another. I had showed pics of a gantry I was hoping to pick up. Finally got around to it today. It’s in a temporary position until I get to wiring it up and then it will turn 90 degrees and centered over the mill. That way I can use it to turn...
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    Chair carving

    I made a chair the other day out of an oak log. I think when the crane put it in my truck it was about 2000 lbs or so. I probably shaved off 1000 lbs. I can barely lift it with the dingo. I did most of the carving with a stump grinder. A bit with a chainsaw and then some finish work with an...
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    Sawmill chatter

    I was milling some wood lately. Some ash, mostly white oak. Everything was running great. I got my first paid job for the mill so I put the clients log on. (Ash) and made 4 nice cuts and in the fifth cut the blade started to chatter a bit and sounded like it was catching on something. Then it...
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    The spirit of giving.

    I had a big crane job the other day. 2 day job with bad weather coming. The second day was looking like we were gonna be in the freezing rain all day. To my surprise a friend of mine from a local tree company showed up at my job in the morning with 3 of his trucks and some equipment and all of...
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    Merlo with grapple saw

    Looks like a company near me that I rent the 107’ platform lift from will be renting out a 96’ merlo with a grapple saw. That’ll make some jobs easier.
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    Christmas tree

    Made my Christmas tree today
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    Soft shackles

    I made one of these the other day just for fun. I maybe have one use for it, anybody use these for anything?
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    Parts delay

    I ordered nuts and bolts for my 04 bandit 250xp back in March. Still no idea when they will come in. I’ve ordered from a couple different places and even called bandit in Michigan. They also have no idea. They say you should swap out the bolts every 3 blade changes. I’m on 5 now. Anyone have...
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    Electric lines

    Today I was working near some electric lines doing clearance. It was triple phase to the pole where it dropped to what looked like a normal house drop line and then back to triple phase. Had not seen it like that before. My bucket is insulated so I wasn’t worried but then again I don’t know much...
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    Log debarking

    Anyone have experience with debarking logs? I’ve been trying to research a bit and surprised how many people say that the draw knife is the best. I would figure the grinder or chainsaw attachments would be good but a lot of folks say their more trouble than their worth. Pressure washer seems to...
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    New toy

    I got this the other day. Figured it would be a decent starter mill.
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    Chipper key

    One of the new guys snapped the key of in the ignition of the chipper yesterday. I was able to drill a small whole in it and pull out the broken bit. I couldn’t find any places locally that have that key so I made one 🤣
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    Cone screw for splitting large wood.

    I do all my firewood on a large processor. I can put up to 22” in it I believe. Maybe a bit bigger. However if I want to do a pace of 4 cords an hour, I have to use only choice logs. 16” and straight. I’ve considered using that cone screw to break up the bigger chunks but I only have the dingo...
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    Now hiring!....still

    I’ve been paying for adds for the last couple years now trying to find employees. What a joke. I can’t get guys to show up for an interview. I’ll pay anywhere from $18-$35 depending on experience. I’ve got plenty of equipment to make life easy ( or at least easy as far as tree work goes ) I...
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    New Isuzu

    Finally got my new truck in. The guys forgot to put on one of the underbody boxes but other than that it’s pretty sweet.
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    New climber

    The new baby has arrived
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    Electric hoist or pto

    I’m getting a new chip truck before the end of the year. Isuzu nrr. Large thru box behind the cab. A couple under body boxes. 12.6’ chip bed. 48” sides with 30” removable top. I’m deciding on wether or not to put in the pto hoist or the electric. There is about a $4000 difference. I have the pto...
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    TCIA Pittsburgh

    Anyone going to Pittsburgh this year? We just booked a place on the incline the other week. I’ve only ever driven around Pittsburgh. Looks like an interesting city