super small chipper/ homeowner sized chipper for small jobs.

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  • #76
Sean, How long do you think it will be before you will see a profit on a micro chipper?
Hard to say. A good question to ask. How much wear and tear is saved on trucks, how much fuel savings, how much time is saved by dropping the chipper/trailer and doing bids, errands, etc while an employee does basic work?

Part will depend on what deal I can find. $200, $400, $600. The more I spend on horsepower, the greater the cost, and speed with which chipping can be done. A big difference is if it will pull in branches/ self feed, somewhat,or not.
If it means going back to a site when you could have been away with the cheque in your wallet, well, that's just bad business.
Not to derail this thread, but this tree has been topped over 3 weeks ago, this picture is from this morning. The brush has been moved to the back yard.
Nope on both counts, it's a house behind my place, it's a house flip, I know the owner..... I think he prepaid in full......
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  • #87
So I've rethought this idea. What about a mini-loader ( 15gpm, IIRC) mounted chipper. Anybody have any experience?

I have a lot of mossy, steep driveways down by the water. I almost slid into a tree getting down there. The mini would be easy to take right to the brush on a lot of jobs, if I can chip in place, or over a bank, or into the woods. I wonder about some of those bags with the drawstring bottoms that Willie (maybe) has talked about. Might work out just fine for some hauling or moving of chips from a mini-mounted chipper.

When I have better access, I can tow my 9" chipper to the brush sometimes, or grapple out big piles.

Sometimes, though, its a matter of a tight squeeze which can't be managed easily.

Something with a feed wheel would be nice.

I have one orchard that is too wet to deal with the brush until spring/ summer, but the pruning is dormant season work.

Wetness is a factor here for a number of things.
Interesting idea on chipper and on bag.
A Bandit 65 AW is 1800 lbs., start pulling off engine, axle, fuel and tank, and part of frame and would probably drop over 700 lbs.. That would make a highly functional mini chipper with a feed wheel.

Bet they are around cheap with bad engines.
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  • #90
Very interesting idea, Merle.

I almost get pushed into a tree going down a damp, mossy driveway yesterday. Trailer brakes certainly would have helped, but my chipper is only 4400 pounds. I barely had enough traction on asphalt to pull it back up today.

There is thicket of invasive laurel that grows fast on this same forested property. It will cost a lot to move the material across the hillside, to get to a larger chipper. My tracked mini could easily get to the area. Smother the laurel, with laurel chips, blaster right out of the chipper, move the material the shortest distance, putting it to good use.
I have not seen a mini mounted chipper but have seen full sized skid mounted ones. The nice thing about the larger minis is that they are in a grey area between a true mini and full sized skid so most of the attachments will work.
How about driving the chipper down the driveway with the mini?
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  • #93
Chipper 4400 pounds, mini 2600 pounds. It would have drug me right down the driveway. I think that the ABS didn't work for some reason. I wonder if you have to be at a certain speed.

The chipper has pushed me on a less steep, better traction driveway when I wasn't lined up straight.
Chipper 4400 pounds, mini 2600 pounds. It would have drug me right down the driveway. I think that the ABS didn't work for some reason. I wonder if you have to be at a certain speed.

The chipper has pushed me on a less steep, better traction driveway when I wasn't lined up straight.

The BCS is too slow. Nice tool though.
You can buy a lot of attachments for it.
Our little chipper would have sucked that first limb in and spit it out in a fraction of the time.
Bearcat 75524 Chipper Shredder.. Two guys can feed it.. One on the knives and one on the flails with fines.
I doubt it weighs more than 800#
Mini moves it around easy as do two guys and a dolly.
Great for those tight places and back yards.
24hp disc
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  • #99
stephan, I'd like to see a video of you guys feeding that in a production way.