Pokemon go BS

Bob, are you an FBI profiler or just Carl Jung's nephew?

Is something going to change for you or Mick if Bob posts his mailing address and full name and SS number? It's becoming like a unhealthy obsession for you guys.
I lol at your disrespect Ed.

Anyone who watches the original video and doesn't feel like smacking those young shits? Well I just don't know what to say? Ed, have vets not earned your respect? Old, young, dead, or otherwise?

Sounds like if the slap happy plan was adopted you'd be slapped silly along with your peer group, oh wait except you'd be to old now to get slapped.

Meh. If somebody wants to try the slap happy plan around me, they're welcome. They just better make sure the first slap kills me, otherwise it'll be that last time they have the use of their arms.
I'm sure if somebody decided slap you because they decided you weren't respectful enough, you'd respond in a similar fashion.
I could give a shit less what Bob's personal info is... You must be reading me wrong, Justin.
That all depends...........on whether they're wearing depends.:D

I don't think anyone is advocating full out slap war fare. Atleast not seriously. But certainly many people could use a good slapping yang and old.

I disagree that respect is earned, young or old. Respect is given by me to all, and then when you act the jackleg its unceremoniously taken away. More and more youth seem to cross the line of disrespect without even a second thought to it, but in no way am I saying I've never met an old asshole before. I've met a few.

It shouldn't be just respect your elders, even though that's true, it should be respect everyone.
I could give a shit less what Bob's personal info is... You must be reading me wrong, Justin.

So what is your point then in near constantly bringing up his anonymity any chance you can? It's because you don't care at all who he is?
I'm with you, respect for everyone.

I worded it wrong I guess but my point is that the just because you made it past 60 or 70 or whatever does not mean that you are some special person who everyone should bow down to.
Everyone else on here who participates on the off topic stuff is up front about who they are and where they come from, both geographically and culturally. We all post pictures of our work and other stuff.
If I argue with you or Jim for example it's on an equal basis, even though it's on the net we're in front of each other. You know my circumstances to an extent, and I know yours.
Bob (if that's his name) comes on, never ever talks about work (that I can remember) or post pictures. Basically just pushes his political agenda. He doesn't even discuss it, just a link and an insult or two, like a mouth breathing spambot.
That pisses me off.
So what is your point then in near constantly bringing up his anonymity any chance you can? It's because you don't care at all who he is?

I don't recall ever bringing up his or anyone's anonymity...
I hear what you are saying Mick but that's not yours or my call to make on the requirements of disclosure to be allowed to participate. That's Butchs job.

So let's just move on and argue! Lol.
Lack of corporal punishment is what's screwed up today's kids.

Me and my brother deserved every asswhupping we ever got.
As for the Pokemon go thing. I've never actually seen the real game just heard of it. But to those that look at it as exercise or getting kids outdoors, I don't necessarily agree that's a good thing. I'm all for kids being outside and off their asses but I see this fad/game as just reinforcing that while out and about it's a-ok to be totally absorbed in your screen world still while out in the real world. I see this as a bad thing. The new 'fad' for kids needs to be getting out and about without a phone stuck to their face. To be out and about and interacting with the real world. I don't see it happening and I don't think I could make a million or billion bucks with the idea but whatever happened to hide and seek and kick the can and similar games where real interaction and exercise was involved?
I feel bad for those who missed the well done cartoons made by the talented people like Warner Bros. had back in the day. Pokemon, like other newer cartoons was a sad imitation and cheaply done I thought.

The game I know nothing about other than it's a game based on a child's cartoon, and I think they play it on the phone.

I think this goes past just the respect for others...I'm reading of disregard for personal property rights and disrespect for public property. The blame lies with the individuals here, not a game. By individuals, I refer not only to those trespassing on private property, or disrespecting gravesites etc., but to those who encourage it by placing the goal of the game on those properties. It is an obvious commercial play for free advertisement, that has worked quite well, and should not be encouraged.
Still haven't watched the video :D maybe I should get out of this thread!
John, that was a wonderful story and a great thing you are doing. Good on you raising your kids with these experiences.

My only hope is sometimes, maybe, these gaming/gamer kids and young adults look up from their search adventure and notice for the first time, there is a war memorial... Maybe do some internet searching or reading about it. Chances are, there are probably many in their group type that never have been there or seen it. One can hope.
We can't stop technology short of having a nuclear war. We can not change the fact these games are there and people are totally into staring at and playing them. Might as well see what comes of a few that might have now got out doors and saw some things or met people that might touch their little lives somehow.
How's it earned in your view? Just curious.....

compassion. empathy. self sacrifice. courage.

I have no respect for people that espouse homophobic, racist, intolerant or bigoted views. Or those that think that corporal punishment is a good thing. I was beaten regularly as a child, with fists, boots and sticks. Hitting children just teaches them that violence is an effective way of solving problems. My children are very well behaved and yet I've hardly ever smacked them. On the few occasions I have, I've felt like I've failed as a parent. They are both far better behaved than I. I still have a violent streak that comes out badly if I'm pissed off.